Dēofol, hātte Diablo on Nīƿum Englisce (þe is Spēonisc fōr "Dēofol"), is spærcletelle gamen fram Blizzard Norðe gemacod, and fram Blizzard Entertainment ālīesed, on Gēolmōnaðe, 1996.
Standende in þǣm Cānduras rīċe þǣre ƿorulde þæs Friþhūses, Dēofol hæfþ þone plēgere ān anlīepe hæleðe ƿieldeþ, sƿā hē oþþe hēo fiehteþ tō cƿellenne Eges Hlāford. Under þǣm tūne Tristram, sīðeþ se plēgere þurh sixtīene burgum tō feohtenne ætnīehstan Dēofol and his hildedēoflas.
Dēofol ƿæs betstgeċīept, and æfter þǣre folclicnesse þæs ǣrestan gamenes, underset gamen, hātte Dēofol: Hellfȳr, ƿæs on 1997 ālīesed. Þis ƿæs be rihte ōðre gefolgod, Dēofol II, in 2000.