
Geocon Ea
Þæs landscipes geatwe

Se Geocon Landscipe is Canadan in þæm norþƿestdæle þæs rices. Hwithors is his heafodstol.

Þes landscape fon his naman æfter Geocon þære ea, þe iernþ þurh þæt land. Ðis land wæs of þæs miclum land þæt belimped Hudsones Byht Tēoh, þære teoge Norþwesternum Landscipes, in 1898, forþæm þe men sohtedon þisne landscape for his gold, se hie wrohtedon of þæm gefrorenum stanum mid miclum heardscipe.

Wiki letter w Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan.

Underrice and landscipas Canadan
Underrīce Alberta • Bryttisc Columbia • Eadweardes Æþelinges Iegland • Manitoba • Niw Brunswic • Niwe Scotland • Niwgefundenland and Labrador • Ontario • Quebec • Sascatcewan
Landscipas Geocon • Norþwest Landscipas • Nunavut

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