

Geoluseax (Niwenglisc: Yellowknife) is burg on þæm Norþƿest Landscipum on Canadan, and is þæs landscipes hēafodstōl. In þissum stede onƿunendað ymbe 9,000 menn and þærin is þēos burg þāra Norþƿest Landscipna mǣste burg.

Man meaht findan Geoluseax on þæs Miclan Þrælmeres norþernum ecge, 250 mīla be sūþen þæm gemearce þæs Midnihtsunnan. He stent be þæm mere on Geoluseaxbyhtes ƿesthealfe, nēah þæs Geoluseax Ēa mūþan. Ðēos ceaster mid his ēa and byht fang hiera naman fram þæm stōƿlican Denegfolc forthaem þe ǣr ƿæron þās menn geheten 'Coper Scrælingas' oððe 'Geoloseax Scrælingas' þā ceapoden cyperne lōman geƿrōhten of ore gefunden nēah þæs Īshæfes rīme.

Fīf gereord sindon gesprōcen onmang Geoluseaxes onƿunendum, þā sind Deneg Suline, Dogrib, Sūþ þrælisc and Norþ Þrælisc, Nīƿenglisc, and Frencisc. Þæt Dogrib gereorde nemneþ þā burg Sǫ̀mbak'è se is "þær se fēoh biþ ").[1][2]

In 1934 ƿæs geoluseax gestaþoled,[3] æfter gold ƿæs gefūnden in þissum stōƿe. Eftsōn ƿæs Geoluseax se ƿeilgosta stede þæs landscipes and ƿeard his hēafodstōl in 1967. Goldgedelf ƿanode and Geoluseax ƿeard lēodƿeardes tōþegnung burg, ac man fūnd demant be norþen him in 1991,[4] and gedelf ƿeaxeþ.

  1. Yellowknife Visitors Guide (PDF). Yellowknifer. Writen fram the original on 2007-09-28. Begieten on 2009-03-25.
  2. Northwest Territories Official Community Names and Pronunciation Guide. Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. Writen fram the original on 2016-01-13. Begieten on 2016-01-01.
  3. About Yellowknife. Writen fram the original on 2016-05-29. Begieten on 2016-05-28.
  4. About yellowknife. "City of Yellowknife". Writen fram the original on 2009-02-26. Begieten on 2009-08-25.

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