Grantaceaster is þorp inne Grantabrycge, in Grantabrycgscīre. Hēo is benorþan Grantabrycge ceastermiddle, ofer Grantan ēa, and is nū eall in Grantabrycge ceasterlīcum earde.
Beda ƿrāt þe Grantaceaster ƿæs in gēardagum Rēmisc burg, and hider fōron gebrōþer Eliges Munuchādes tō findenne stān for Æþelþryþe þrūge, ac hīe fundon in ƿeallum hƿītne marmorstǣnenne þrūh for hiere bānum.
In þām Middlum Ieldum forlēas Grantaceaster hiere naman on Nīƿenglisce and Grantasǣte nōm hine.