Hengest oþþe Hengist (d. 488?) ƿæs ƿealdend Cent rīce in sūþeastre Brytene.
Þā sōþsaca his līfes sind ungecnāƿen, ac æfter Bedan (se ƿrāt nēah 200 gēarum æfter þǣm belimpum on frignunge), ƿǣron hē and his brōðor Horsa esneƿyrhtan þǣm Bryttiscan ƿealdende Ƿyrtegeorne, and ƿurdon gehȳrode tō campienne ƿiþ Peohtum. Æfter his sigum ƿiþ Peohtum, ingelaðode mā landsētan of Germanie tō undersittenne on Brytene and þā ƿiþfuhton ƿiþ Ƿyrtegeorn, þā staðolode hine selfne sƿā cyning on Cent.
Sƿā mæniga bēc hit tealdon, bēgen Hengest and Horsa Eote ƿǣron, and suna Eotisces hēafodmannes, Ƿihtgils gehātte. Ƿihtgils ƿæs Ƿitting, Ƿitta Ƿecting, Ƿecta Ƿōdning, fram þǣm Ƿēdne āƿōc mænig Englisc cyne cynn.