Interlingua is gehugod sprǣc. His grund is Lǣden ac þis gereord næfð gebȳgednesse.
Be seaƿe ƿrāt sēo International Auxiliary Language Association Interlingua betƿuh þǣm 1937. gēare and þǣm 1951., þǣrof ƿǣron Dauid Morris and Alice Vanderbilt Morris hēafodmennn. Fore Interligua scōp Giuseppe Peano nīƿe gereord Latino sine flexione (þæt is 'Lǣden būton gebȳgednesse') and ðis searu nemnaþ man nū Peanan Interlingua æfter him. Interlingua ƿæs of Peanan geƿeorce getimbrod.