
Mamtorr on Peclande

Pecland is hēah land on Miercum and beƿreagð fēoƿer scīrena dǣlas, þā sindon Dēorabyscīre and Stæffordscīre norðdæl, Ceasterscīre ēastdæl and ēac Eoferƿicscīre sūðƿestdæl. Ðisses lands mæat dæl is on Dēorabyscīre.

In geardagum ƿæs þisses landes folc Pecsǣte þā ƿæron Miercna folc.

Micel landscape is hēr and man meaht hine bedalan on tƿegen, se is Blæcpec be norþen and Hƿītpec be sūðern, sƿylcan naman of þāra beorgena hīƿum.

Se Pecland Þēodisca Edisc (Peak District National Park) ƿæs gestaþoled in 1951 and þes ƿæs Bretta ǣrresta þēodisc edisc.

Þis land is nēah Mameceaster and Scedfeld þā ceastre and ƿyhtan of þissa burgum oft cumaþ in þās beorgas.

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