Tiroƿen is scīr on Norðerne Īrlandes ƿesternan ecge. Þǣre scīre sūðernan mearc is mid Fermangh, hiere ēastnorþernan mid Lundenderryscīre and beƿestan hiere līþ sēo Īrland Cyneƿīse.
Þāra siexe scīrena þisses underrīces is Tiroƿen mǣst be hiere stōƿe ac lytlu be hiere manna rīme.
On þās scīr sindon þā Sperrinbeorga. Hiere ēasternmeste rīme is on Neamere.
Hiere naman hæfþ Tiroƿen of þære Scyttiscum sprǣce and is Tir Eoghan, þæt is Oƿenes Land.
Tiroƿnes mæste burg is Omagh onmiddan his scīre.