World Trade Center (torr 1 and 2) | |
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Eallgemǣna getācnunga: | |
Stent be: | Nīƿeoforƿīcburg, Geānedu Rīcu American |
Steall: | Acƿeald |
Onginn geweorca: | 1966 |
Ende geweorca: | 1973 |
Gemearcung: | |
Hīehþu: | 417 m. |
Gehāl hīehþu: | 526 m. |
Hīehþu be þæce: | 415 m. |
Brǣdu: | 63 m. |
Flōrgetæl: | 110 |
Flōrgerūm: | 1,24 millionum m² |
Timborwyrhta: | Minoru Yamasaki and Emery Roth & Sons |
Timborgecynd: | Heofonscrapiend |
Āgend: | Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Larry Silverstein |
Þæt World Trade Center (ēac WTC gehāten) ƿæs bysignesheall of seofon hūsum mid gehālre flōrbrādnesse of 1,24 millionum m² geleged in þǣm fæsthafolheortan of Nīƿre Eoforƿīce Burge.
Þæt WTC ƿæs ūtƿorpen of ǣghƿæþrum ge þǣm Americaniscan timborƿyrhtan Minoru Yamasaki ge burhƿyrhtan Leslie E. Robertson and gebrǣded of þǣm Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Be 1960. gēare cƿōm þæt Downtown-Lower Manhattan Development Association (DLMA), geƿeardod and gerihted of David Rockefeller, mid þǣm geþōhte of sumum Ƿoruldhandelstede sƿāþæt hē Nīƿe Eoforƿīc eft gelibbe. David Rockefeller ƿearþ of his āgenum brōþor geholpen forþǣm þe his brōþor ānƿealda tō rīce Nīƿre Eoforƿīca ƿæs. Þæt World Trade Center ƿearþ, ēac eallum World Trade Centers þǣre ƿorulde, hēafodsetl þæs World Trade Centers Association-es. Be þǣm 24. dæge Æfterran Līðan þæs 2001. gēares ƿearþ þæt WTC gelīesed tō Larry Silverstein.
Þæt WTC stōd becened æt his tƿǣm 110 flōr-tellendan tƿinstīplum, se North Tower (Norþstīpel) and se South Tower (Sūþstīpel). Ætsomne drōgon hīe naman Twin Towers (Tƿinstīplas). Þā stīplas begen ƿǣron hīehsta healla be Nīƿre Eoforƿīce and be ƿorulde þā hīe geopnodon be 1973. gēare; Norþstīpel ƿæs 417 metera hēah, and Sūþstīpel 415 metera hēah. World Trade Center georne fǣrlīce ƿearþ unmissendlīc underdǣl æt Nīƿre Eoforƿīce and ƿearþ þǣre gehālan ƿorulde gesaƿen sƿā hēafodtācn þǣra Geānedena Rīca American.
Be þǣm 13. Solmōnaðes þæs 1975. gēares ƿearþ WTC tōhrinen of ælede and be þǣm 26. Solmōnaðes þæs 1993. gebærst sum fȳræg, and þæt ƿæs ǣrest torngemōt gēan WTC. Ac be þǣm 11. Hāligmōnaðes þæs 2001. gēares ƿurdon þā Tƿinstīplas begen acƿeald þanne tƿegen gedƿelede lyftƿægnas flugon rihte þǣm heallum binnan.
Eftbyldung þāra healla mid sumre nīƿan gesceafte biþ nū on fullum ƿege. Openung þæs hēafodboldes, One World Trade Center, ƿierþ gebāsnod be þǣm 2014. gēare.