An Kami (Japanese: 神, [kaꜜmi]) are the deities, divinities, spirits, mythological, spiritual, or natural phenomena that are venerated in the traditional Shinto religion of Japan. Kami can be elements of the landscape, forces of nature, beings and the qualities that these beings express, and/or the spirits of venerated dead people. Many kami are considered the ancient ancestors of entire clans (some ancestors became kami upon their death if they were able to embody the values and virtues of kami in life). Traditionally, great leaders like the Emperor could be or became kami.[1]
Sa Shinto, an kami bakong suway sa naturalesa, kundi natural, igwa nin positibo asin negatibo, asin marahay asin maraot na mga karakteristiko. An mga ini mga manipestasyon kan musubi , [2] an magkakonektar na enerhiya kan uniberso, asin pigkokonsiderar na halimbawa kan dapat na pagmaigotan kan katawohan. An mga Kami pigtutubodan na "natatago" sa kinaban na ini, asin nag-eerok sa sarong komplementaryong pag-eksister na nagpapahiling kan satong sadiri: shinkai . [3] : 22 An magin kaoyon sa mga nakakahanga na aspeto kan naturalesa iyo an magin mapagrisa sa kannagara no michi .