
Ang kapitalismo sarong sistemang ekonomiko na nakabase sa pribadong pagsasadiri kan paagi nin produksyon asin an saindang operasyon para sa ganansya.[1][2][3][4] Kabale sa mga karakteristiko nin kapitalismo iyo an capital accumulation, competitive markets, pribadong rogaring, pagmidbid sa rogaring, boluntad na pagribay, asin sweldo sa pagtrabaho. Sa market ekonomiya, an paggibo nin mga desisyon asin pangangapital dinedeterminaran kan mga kagsadiri nin kayamanan, rogaring, o kakayahan na maniobrahon an kapital o kakayahan sa pagprodusir sa kapital asin pinansyal na mga sadan - mantang an presyo asin pagwaras nin mga produkto asin serbisyo sa pangenot dinedeterminaran nin mga kompetisyon sa mga produkto asin sa mga serbisyo sa sadan.[5]

An mga ekonomista, historyador, ekonomistang politikal asin sosyologo nagkaigwa nin manlaenlaenaen na punto - de - vista sa saindang pag-analisar sa kapitalismo asin minidbid an manlaenlaen na porma kaiyan sa gibo. Kabale digdi an laissez-faire o libreng market na kapitalismo, anarko-kapitalismo, an kapitalismo asin pansasadiring kapitalismo. Iba-ibang klase nin kapitalismo an nagtatampok kan manlaen-laen na grado nin libreng merkado, pagkasasadiri kan publiko, mga ulang sa libreng kompetisyon asin sa mga state-sanctioned na polisiyang sosyal.[6] An hiwas nin kompetisyon sa mga merkado asin an kabtang nin pag - interbenir saka regurgitasyon saka sa pagkaigwa nin rogaring kan estado nagkakalaenlaen sa laen - laen na modelo nin kapitalismo.[7] Kun sagkod saen talingkas an iba-ibang merkado asin an mga panundon na naglaladawan nin pribadong pagsasadiri iyo an mga bagay dapit sa pulitika asin polisiya. An kadaklan sa nag - eeksister na mga ekonomiyang kapitalista iyo an saralak na ekonomiya na inubayan nin mga elemento nin libreng merkado na may interbensyon nin estado asin sa ibang kaso interbensyon ekonomiko.[8]

An mga ekonomiyang merkado yaon sa irarom nin dakol na klase nin gobyerno asin sa dakol na manlaenlaenaen na panahon, lugar asin kultura. An modernong kapitalistang mga sosyedad nag-oswag sa Solnopan na Europa sa sarong proseso na suminagkod sa Rebolusyon kan mga industriya. Poon kaidto an mga kapitalistang sistema na manlaenlaenaen an grado nin direktang pag-interbenir kan gobyerno nagin nang nangingibabaw sa kinaban sa Solnopan asin padagos na naglalakop. An pag-uswag sa ekonomiya sarong karakteristikong tendensiya nin mga ekonomiyang kapitalista.[9]

  1. Zimbalist, Sherman and Brown, Andrew, Howard J. and Stuart (October 1988). Comparing Economic Systems: A Political-Economic Approach. Harcourt College Pub. pp. 6–7. ISBN 978-0-15-512403-5. Pure capitalism is defined as a system wherein all of the means of production (physical capital) are privately owned and run by the capitalist class for a profit, while most other people are workers who work for a salary or wage (and who do not own the capital or the product). 
  2. Rosser, Mariana V.; Rosser, J Barkley (23 July 2003). Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy. MIT Press. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-262-18234-8. In capitalist economies, land and produced means of production (the capital stock) are owned by private individuals or groups of private individuals organized as firms. 
  3. Chris Jenks. Core Sociological Dichotomies. "Capitalism, as a mode of production, is an economic system of manufacture and exchange which is geared toward the production and sale of commodities within a market for profit, where the manufacture of commodities consists of the use of the formally free labor of workers in exchange for a wage to create commodities in which the manufacturer extracts surplus value from the labor of the workers in terms of the difference between the wages paid to the worker and the value of the commodity produced by him/her to generate that profit." London; Thousand Oaks, CA; New Delhi. Sage. p. 383.
  4. Gilpin, Robert (5 June 2018). The Challenge of Global Capitalism : The World Economy in the 21st Century. ISBN 978-0-691-18647-4. OCLC 1076397003. 
  5. Gregory, Paul; Stuart, Robert (2013). The Global Economy and its Economic Systems. South-Western College Pub. p. 41. ISBN 978-1-285-05535-0. Capitalism is characterized by private ownership of the factors of production. Decision making is decentralized and rests with the owners of the factors of production. Their decision making is coordinated by the market, which provides the necessary information. Material incentives are used to motivate participants. 
  6. Gregory, Paul; Stuart, Robert (28 February 2013). The Global Economy and its Economic Systems. South-Western College Publisher. p. 107. ISBN 978-1-285-05535-0. Real-world capitalist systems are mixed, some having higher shares of public ownership than others. The mix changes when privatization or nationalization occurs. Privatization is when property that had been state-owned is transferred to private owners. Nationalization occurs when privately owned property becomes publicly owned. 
  7. Macmillan Dictionary of Modern Economics (3rd ed.). 1986. p. 54. 
  8. Stilwell, Frank. "Political Economy: the Contest of Economic Ideas". First Edition. Oxford University Press. Melbourne, Australia. 2002.
  9. Joff, Michael (2011). "The root cause of economic growth under capitalism". Cambridge Journal of Economics 35 (5): 873–896. doi:10.1093/cje/beq054. "The tendency for capitalist economies to grow is one of their most characteristic properties.". 

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