Deiziad krouiñ | 1753 |
Anv ofisiel | The British Museum |
Tachenn labour | glad sevenadurel |
Sponsor | Department for Culture, Media and Sport |
Diazezer | Hans Sloane |
Den e penn an aozadur | Principal librarian, Director and principal librarian, Director of the British Museum |
Prezidant | George Osborne |
Merour/rener | Hartwig Fischer |
Stad | Rouantelezh-Unanet |
E tiriad | London Borough of Camden |
Hent | Great Russell Street |
Pastell-vro votiñ | Holborn and St Pancras |
Kontelezh istorel | Middlesex |
Lec'h | building of the British Museum, Bloomsbury |
Daveennoù douaroniel | 51°31′10″N 0°7′37″W |
Ezel eus | Digital Preservation Coalition |
Darvoud-alc'hwez | claim for restitution of an artwork |
Tisavour | Robert Smirke |
Deiziad digoradur ofisiel | 1759 |
Open days | all days of the week |
Aveadur | accessible toilet |
Disabled accessibility | wheelchair accessible |
Statud gladel | Grade I listed building |
Chomlec'h | Great Russell St, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 3DG, UK |
Kod-post | WC1B 3DG |
Niverenn bellgomz | +44 (0)20 7323 8000 |
Fax number | 020 7323 8616 |
Lec'hienn ofisiel |, |
Terms of service URL | |
Testenn ar pennreolennoù | British Museum Act 1963 |
Activity policy in this place | photos allowed |
Oberennoù zo en dastumad | National Museum of World Cultures, Tate |
Ground level 360 degree view URL |,-0.1274951,2a,75y,198.95h,85.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFyBuFtvu6FeVvVVc5--uiw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en |
Anaouder WordLift | |
Katalog enlinenn | |
Category for the exterior of the item | Category:Exterior of the British Museum |
Category for the interior of the item | Category:Interior of the British Museum |
Ar British Museum, bet krouet e 1753, zo unan eus kentañ monumantoù kêr Londrez e Bro-Saoz, hag ivez unan eus pouezusañ mirdioù ar bed.