Moguće je da je Teodrada kralju rodila troje djece, sinove imena Guy, Arnulf i Rudolf.
Teodradin drugi muž je bio neki Oton.
^U jednoj povelji, Odo je svoju ženu nazvao "coniux nostra Theoderada". Diplomata Odonis Regis.
^THEODERADA. "Nevertheless, Theoderic, supposed son of Adelramn, was a strong supporter of King Eudes, as recorded in the Annales Vedastini, which is best explained by a family connection: if the relationship is correct, he would have been Theoderada’s brother."
^Prema Europäische Stammtafelnu Detleva Schwennickea, Teodrada je bila kćerka grofa Adelramna II od Laona i njegove supruge grofice.
^E. Favre, Eudes, comte de Paris et roi de France (Pariz, 1893.)