El conducte nasolacrimal transporta llàgrimes del sac lacrimal de l'ull a la cavitat nasal.[1][2] El conducte comença a la cavitat ocular entre els ossos maxil·lar i lacrimal, des d'on passa cap avall i cap enrere. L'obertura del conducte nasolacrimal al meat nasal inferior de la cavitat nasal està parcialment coberta per un plec de la mucosa (vàlvula de Hasner o plica lacrimalis).[3]
↑Herbert, Ronald A.; Janardhan, Kyathanahalli S.; Pandiri, Arun R.; Cesta, Mark F.; Miller, Rodney A. «Nose, Larynx, and Trachea». A: Boorman's Pathology of the Rat. Elsevier, 2018, p. 391–435. DOI10.1016/b978-0-12-391448-4.00022-8. ISBN 978-0-12-391448-4. «The paired nasolacrimal ducts carry lacrimal secretions from the eye to the nasal cavity, and originate as oval openings near the edge of the medial canthus of the eyelids. Initially the duct is small and circular, but in the middle portion, the diameter increases and the appearance is more oblong and saccular. The diameter again decreases before the duct enters the ventrolateral nasal vestibule medial to the root of the incisor tooth approximately 2 mm caudal to the nares.»