La directiva 67/548 del Consell de la Unió Europea tracta de les substàncies perilloses[1] és una de les principals lleis europees respecte a la seguretat dels productes químics. Es va fer sota l'article 100 (Art. 94 en la versió consolidada)[2] del Tractat de Roma. Per acord també és aplicable a la Zona Econòmica Europea (EEA),[3] i a les lleis rellevants de Suïssa.[4]
- ↑ Títol complet: Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances.
- ↑ «European Union — Consolidated versions of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community» (pdf). Official Journal of the European Communities, C 321E, 29-12-2006, pàg. 1–331. Arxivat de l'original el 2019-06-03 [Consulta: 23 febrer 2009].
- ↑ Art. 23 and Chapter XV of Annex II, Agreement on the European Economic Area signed in Oporto, 1992-05-02; came into force 1994-01-01.
- ↑ Art. 2.1 of the Regulation of 28 June 2005 of the Federal Interior Ministry on the official classification and labelling of substances (SR/RS 813.112.12, text in French Arxivat 2007-01-01 a Wayback Machine., German Arxivat 2011-06-06 a Wayback Machine., Italian Arxivat 2011-06-06 a Wayback Machine.). See also the Swiss Federal Law on Chemical Products (SR/RS 813.1, text in French Arxivat 2012-03-15 a Wayback Machine., German Arxivat 2012-12-24 a Wayback Machine., Italian Arxivat 2012-03-15 a Wayback Machine.) and the Swiss Federal Regulations on Chemical Products (SR/RS 813.11, text in French Arxivat 2012-03-15 a Wayback Machine., German Arxivat 2012-03-15 a Wayback Machine., Italian Arxivat 2012-03-15 a Wayback Machine.).