Lepomis megalotis

Infotaula d'ésser viuLepomis megalotis Modifica el valor a Wikidata

Exemplar capturat al riu Coosa (Alabama)
Estat de conservació
Risc mínim
UICN62216 Modifica el valor a Wikidata
EspècieLepomis megalotis Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Rafinesque, 1820
Icthelis megalotis Rafinesque, 1820[1]

Lepomis megalotis és una espècie de peix pertanyent a la família dels centràrquids.[2] present a Amèrica del Nord: el Canadà,[3][4][5] els i el nord-est de Mèxic, incloent-hi els Grans Llacs d'Amèrica del Nord.[6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]

  1. Catalogue of Life (anglès)
  2. The Taxonomicon (anglès)
  3. Scott, W.B. i E.J. Crossman, 1973, Freshwater fishes of Canada. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. 184:1-966.
  4. Coker, G.A., C.B. Portt i C.K. Minns, 2001, Morphological and ecological characteristics of Canadian freshwater fishes. Can. Manuscr. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Núm. 2554. 89 p.
  5. Coad, B.W., 1995. Encyclopedia of Canadian fishes. Canadian Museum of Nature and Canadian Sportfishing Productions Inc. Singapur.
  6. FishBase (anglès)
  7. Bacon, E.J. Jr. i R.V. Kilambi, 1968. Some aspects of the age and growth of the longear sunfish, Lepomis megalotis, in Arkansas waters. Proc. Ark. Acad. Sci. 22:44-57.
  8. Becker, G.C., 1983.Fishes of Wisconsin.University of Wisconsin Press, Madison (Wisconsin). 1052 p
  9. Hassan-Williams, C. i T.H. Bonner, 2007.Texas freshwater fishes. Texas State University- San Marcos: Biology Department/ Aquatic Station.
  10. Lewis, W.M. i D. Elder, 1953 The fish population of the headwaters of a spotted bass stream in southern Illinois, Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 82:193-202.
  11. Lieb, C.S., 2000 Annotated checklist of the fishes of the Rio Grande drainage, Doña Ana, El Paso, and Hudspeth counties. Centennial Museum, University of Texas, El Paso
  12. Proffitt, M.A. i R.S. Benda, 1971. Growth and movement of fishes, and distribution of invertebrates, related to a heated discharge into the White River at Petersburg, Indiana. Indiana Univ. Water Resources Rep. Inves. 5:94 p
  13. Swingle, W.E., 1965, Length-weight relationships of Alabama fishes. Auburn Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta. Zool.-Ent. Ser. Fish. 3:87 p
  14. Trautman, M., 1957, The Fishes of Ohio Columbus: Ohio State University Press

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