Present a l'obra | Star Trek, Deep Domain (en) , Rules Of Engagement (en) , Assignment: Eternity, From the Depths (en) , Bloodthirst (en) , Corona (en) , Demons (en) , Double, Double (en) , The Three-Minute Universe (en) , Twilight's End (en) , Pawns and Symbols (en) , Treaty's Law (en) , The Klingon Gambit, Web of the Romulans (en) , The Pandora Principle (en) , The Fate of the Phoenix (en) , The Prometheus Design (en) , Memory Prime, The Great Starship Race (en) , The Survivor (en) , The Cry Of The Onlies (en) , The Fearful Summons (en) , The Entropy Effect (en) , First Strike (en) , My Enemy, My Ally (en) , Mudd in Your Eye (en) , Ghost Walker (en) , Home is the Hunter (en) , The Rift, Death Count (en) , Devil World (en) , Once Upon a Planet (en) , Battlestations! (en) , Harbinger, Cloak, The Final Reflection (en) , Enemy Unseen (en) , Star Trek 1 (en) , The Wounded Sky, The Ashes Of Eden, The Badlands, Book One, Doctor's Orders (en) , Ice Trap (en) , The Disinherited (en) , Prime Directive, Vulcan! (en) , Federation, Shell Game (en) , The Joy Machine (en) , Renegade (en) , The Covenant of the Crown, The Starship Trap (en) , The Rings Of Tautee (en) , Probe, The Patrian Transgression (en) , The Tears of the Singers (en) , The Trellisane Confrontation (en) , The IDIC Epidemic (en) , Timetrap, Enterprise: The First Adventure (en) , Final Frontier, The Slaver Weapon (en) , The Lost Years (en) , Traitor Winds (en) , Bem (en) , A Flag Full of Stars (en) , Firestorm (en) , Strangers from the Sky (en) , Surprise! (en) , The Time Trap (en) , Trek to Madworld (en) , Dwellers in the Crucible (en) , Faces of Fire (en) , Planet of Judgment (en) , Shadow Lord (en) , The Eye of the Beholder (en) , The Abode of Life (en) , The Counter-Clock Incident, Ishmael, First Frontier (en) , Best Destiny (en) , The Kobayashi Maru, Crossroad (en) , Crisis on Centaurus (en) , The Better Man (en) , Dreams of the Raven (en) , Mutiny on the Enterprise (en) , The Vulcan Academy Murders (en) , Albatross (en) , Trials and Tribble-Ations (en) , The Final Nexus (en) , Perry's Planet (en) , Death's Angel (en) , Recovery (en) , Shadows On The Sun (en) , Black Fire (en) , Yesterday's Son, Legacy (en) , Spock, Messiah! (en) , Spock Must Die!, Spock's World (en) , In Tempest's Wake, Star Trek: The Motion Picture (en) , The Wrath of Khan (en) , The Search for Spock (en) , The Voyage Home, The Undiscovered Country (en) , Storming Heaven, Beyond the Farthest Star (en) , Windows on a Lost World (en) , The Ambergris Element (en) , Uhura's Song (en) , How Much For Just The Planet? (en) , The Starless World (en) , World Without End (en) , The Price of the Phoenix (en) , Time for Yesterday, Sanctuary (en) , Killing time, Chain of Attack (en) , The Galactic Whirlpool (en) , Perquè el món és buit i jo he tocat el cel, La xarxa tholiana, No hi ha bellesa sense veritat!, El dia del colom, Els fillastres de Plató, Un tres i no res, Allò que perdura, El conflicte final, El temps despullat, El parany home, El truc de la Corbomita, Les dones d'en Mudd, L'enemic interior, L'època de l'Amok, El Galileu set, La síndrome del paradís, More Tribbles, More Troubles, Operació: Aniquilació, The Counter-Clock Incident, Qui plora pels déus, La ciutat a la frontera del futur, The Autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: Starship Creator, Star Trek Trexels i The Star Trek Book ![Modifica el valor a Wikidata](// |