Refugiats palestins

Refugiats palestins
registrats per UNRWA
Refugiats originals entre 1949-1950: 711.000 (estimats)[1]
Refugiats de 1948 encara vius (2012): 30,000 - 50,000 (estimats)[2][3]
Descendents (2012): 4,950,000 (estimats)[2]
Total (2015): 5,149,742[4]
Per la base d'aquesta xifra vegeu definició UNRWA
Regions amb poblacions significatives: Territoris Palestins (Franja de Gaza i Cisjordània), Jordània, Síria, Líban
Llengües: Àrab, hebreu, altres
Religions: Islamisme, sunnisme xiïsme, judaisme, minories cristianes (Església Ortodoxa, Esglésies orientals catòliques

El terme refugiats palestins es refereix a la població d'exiliats d'origen palestí que va deixar les seves llars tradicionals després de la guerra araboisraeliana de 1948[5] i durant el procés del conflicte àrab-israelià. Els palestins que van quedar dins de l'Estat d'Israel i van adquirir la ciutadania són oficialment àrabs israelians.

Avui, més de 2.000.000, viuen a Jordània, on l'any 2009 més del 90% dels refugiats palestins registrats a l'UNWRA havien adquirit plens drets de ciutadania.[6]

  1. «General Progress Report and Supplementary Report of the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine, Covering the Period from 11 December 1949 to 23 October 1950» (en anglès). United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine. Nacions Unides, 1950. [Consulta: 25 setembre 2010].
  2. 2,0 2,1 «U.S. State Department Affirms Support for 5 Million 'Palestinian Refugees'». The Algemeiner, 30-05-2012 [Consulta: 31 maig 2012]. «"[U.S.] Deputy Secretary of State Tom Nides (..) affirmed the State Department's view on the number of Palestinian refugees (..) that the UN and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) "provides essential services for approximately 5 million refugees," (..) Middle East Forum founder Daniel Pipes recently noted in an op-ed for Israel Hayom that only 1 percent of the refugees served by UNRWA fit the agency's definition of "people whose normal place of residence was Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948, who lost both their homes and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict." The other 99 percent are descendants of refugees."»
  3. US Senate dramatically scales down definition of Palestinian 'refugees'
  4. «UNRWA in figures». UNRWA.
  5. Susan Akram. International law and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Taylor & Francis, 2011, p. 19, 20, 38. ISBN 9780415573221. «"The term 'refugees' applies to all persons, Arabs, Jews and others who have been displaced from their homes in Palestine. This would include Arabs in Israel who have been shifted from their normal places of residence. It would also include Jews who had their homes in Arab Palestine, such as the inhabitants of the Jewish quarter of the Old City. It would not include Arabs who lost their lands but not their houses, such as the inhabitants of Tulkarm"» 
  6. «Palestinian refugees» (en anglès), 16-04-2024. [Consulta: 16 abril 2024].

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