Vanessa Lann

Plantilla:Infotaula personaVanessa Lann
Naixement6 abril 1968 Modifica el valor a Wikidata (56 anys)
Brooklyn (Nova York) Modifica el valor a Wikidata
FormacióUniversitat Harvard
Reial Conservatori de La Haia
Boston University Tanglewood Institute (en) Tradueix Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Ocupaciócompositora, pianista Modifica el valor a Wikidata
ProfessorsTheo Loevendie Modifica el valor a Wikidata
InstrumentPiano Modifica el valor a Wikidata

Lloc Modifica el valor a Wikidata

Soundcloud: user-77842416 Musicbrainz: 692127fe-1424-4ad0-829e-705f13615761 Discogs: 1350426 Modifica el valor a Wikidata

Vanessa Lann (Brooklyn, 6 d'abril, 1968) és una compositora neerlandesa-nord-americana que viu als Països Baixos.[1][2]

Lann és coneguda per les composicions contemporànies per a instruments infrautilitzats com el clarinet baix,[3] el fagot[4][5] i el piano de joguina.[a][6] Les seves composicions han estat emeses a la ràdio,[7] gravades en discos compactes[3] i interpretades en festivals de música d'Europa i d'Amèrica del Nord. Ha escrit nombrosos tipus de composicions, inclosos concerts i òperes.[8]

El 1990, va ser directora musical de l'American Repertory Theatre.[9] El crític David Toub va descriure la seva música com "interpretada per experts"[10] i el crític musical del New York Times Allan Kozinn va qualificar la seva composició Is a Bell ... a Bell? com una "partitura rítmica impulsiva que era encantadora amb el seu ús de dos pianos de joguina per treure diferents qualitats tímbriques".[6] Un altre crític musical, Jed Distler va afirmar que les seves composicions són "una escriptura de teclat i humor amable."[11]

La crítica del diari Volkskrant, Frits van der Waa, ha revisat la seva música en nombroses ocasions i el 2005 va descriure-la com una "tensió sucosa intensa però dolça"[12] i la seva composició per al Festival de Música de Cambra de Delft de l'any 2007 com "preciosa".[13] Així mateix, el 2013 va qualificar la seva òpera d'una hora de durada The Silence of Saar com una "sèrie interminable de variacions al·lucinants".[14]

  1. Frits van der Waa − September 18, 2006, de Volkskrant, (in Dutch) Rondgang van orkest tot aan Paard van Troje, Retrieved August 18, 2014, "...Amerikaanse componiste Vanessa Lann ..."
  2. Frits van der Waa, December 13, 2005, de Volkskrant, Chazan singing and tickling 'blue notes', Retrieved August 18, 2014, "...Composer / Dutch Composer Vanessa Lann, .. Lann was born in New York"
  3. 3,0 3,1 A Compact Disc Recording of Four Contemporary Works for Clarinet by American, Mindy Marie Pyle, Proquest publishers (2008), Interview: Vanessa Lann, Retrieved August 17, 2014, See chapter 5 page 31
  4. January 23, 2014, Muziekgebouw (Netherlands), Sinfonia Rotterdam, Retrieved August 17, 2014, "...The American-Dutch composer Vanessa Lann writes a new bassoon concerto for the acclaimed bassoonist Bram van Sambeek and Sinfonia Rotterdam..."
  5. January 18, 2014, Fagotnetwerk, Discount Network members Bassoon bassoon concerto world premiere Vanessa Lann, Retrieved August 17, 2014, "..Dutch composer Vanessa Lann third Rotterdam Concerto for the renowned bassoonist Bram van Sambeek. That Vanessa Lann ... concerto for a less common solo instrument..."
  6. 6,0 6,1 Allan Kozinn, September 29, 2006, The New York Times, Playing With a Lot of Toys, but for a Serious Purpose, Retrieved August 17, 2014, "..Vanessa Lann’s Is a Bell ... a Bell? (2004) is a propulsively rhythmic score, but its real charm is its use of two toy pianos with different timbral qualities to suggest orchestration, of a sort. ..."
  7. Broadcast Live on ABC Classic FM, 30 April, Musica Viva Festival 2011, Retrieved August 17, 2014, "...Vanessa Lann Springs Eternal (2007).."
  8. Dordrecht February 18, 2013, Opera Magazine, "De Stilte van Saar in wereldpremière" (in Dutch), Retrieved August 17, 2014, ".. . En de opera zelf, die de Amerikaanse componiste Vanessa Lann schreef op een Nederlandstalig libretto van Erik-Ward Geerlings.." [the opera itself, which the American composer Vanessa Lann wrote on a Dutch libretto by Erik-Ward Geerlings]
  9. Kelly A. E. Mason, April 20, 1990, The Harvard Crimson, Forming Female Bonds, Performing the Bard, Retrieved August 17, 2014, "..The women cast as men in As You Like It also had a few problems with the Renaissance songs featured in the play, says musical director Vanessa Lann..."
  10. David Toub, Sequenza21, September 2006, Piano Music by Women Composers, Retrieved August 17, 2014, "...this album ... very nice compilation of expertly-performed music by a good selection of female composers. On this album, we find music by the well known (Meredith Monk, Sofia Gubaidulina) and the less well known (Vanessa Lann, ..)"
  11. Jed Distler (music reviewer), Classics Today, Don't Panic! 60 Seconds for Piano, Retrieved August 17, 2014, "....What are my favorite pieces? ... the gracious keyboard writing and humor of Vanessa Lann’s DD (Double D)..."
  12. Frits van der Waa, 14 December 2005, de Volkskrant, Chazan singing and tickling 'blue notes', Retrieved August 18, 2014, "...intense but sweet juicy tension..."
  13. Bela Luttmer, August 2, 2007, de Volkskrant, "You really want to deliver something beautiful", Retrieved August 18, 2014, "...Vanessa has a piece written especially for me ... She was immediately excited and started working..."
  14. Frits van der Waa (music reviewer), February 25, 2013, de Volkskrant, "Review: The silence of saar", Retrieved August 17, 2014, ".. The Silence of Saar, a new half-hour opera by composer Vanessa Lann and libretto ... endless series of mind-numbing variations..."

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