Enghraifft o: | asiantaeth cudd-wybodaeth, federal law enforcement agency of the United States, United States federal agency |
Label brodorol | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
Dechrau/Sefydlu | 26 Gorffennaf 1908 |
Pennaeth y sefydliad | Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation |
Sylfaenydd | J. Edgar Hoover, Theodore Roosevelt, Charles Joseph Bonaparte |
Gweithwyr | 35,104 |
Isgwmni/au | FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division, FBI National Security Branch |
Rhiant sefydliad | Adran Gyfiawnder yr Unol Daleithiau |
Pencadlys | Washington, Adeilad J. Edgar Hoover |
Enw brodorol | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
Gwefan | https://www.fbi.gov |
Ffeiliau perthnasol ar Gomin Wicimedia |
Asiantaeth o Adran Gyfiawnder yr Unol Daleithiau sy'n gweithredu fel corff ymchwilio ffederal ac asiantaeth cudd-wybodaeth fewnol yw'r Biwro Ymchwilio Ffederal (Saesneg: Federal Bureau of Investigation) neu'r FBI. Lleolir ei bencadlys, Adeilad J. Edgar Hoover, yn Washington, D.C.