Belting er en særlig sangteknik, der bruges til at lave en skrigende karakter i den høje del af stemmen.[1] Teknikken bruges mest i heavy, soul, rhythm and blues og gospel. Med træning kan teknikken udføres uden at påføre stemmebåndene skader.
Eksempler på sangere, der er kendt for deres gode belting-teknik:
- ^ Nathalie Henrich Bernardoni (2008): Mirroring the voice from Garcia to the present day: some insights into singing voice registers. "Belting is very often considered as a technique of loud singing commonly found in non-classical singing, with a voice quality similar to a yell (40,43�/45). However, a few authors consider it nowadays as a vocal register on its own, and thus it seems that it is worth mentioning here. It could be produced by males and females, but only female voices have been studied up to now. [---] Belting sounds are produced with high subglottal pressure, long closed phase of duration greater than half of the fundamental period, high SPL, and great harmonic richness."