Guerillaraids i det nordlige Israel af PLO-guerillaer fra Libanon.
Nedskydningen af Israels ambassadør Shlomo Argov udført af Abu Nidal Organization[1][2][3] PLO havde udført guerilla-angreb mod Israel siden 1960'erne (see Palestine Liberation Organization). Efter at PLO var blevet smidt ud af Jordan i 1971, etablerede organisationen baser i Sydlibanon, hvorfra de bekæmpede Israel. I 1981 førte svære PLO-raketangreb på israelske bosættelser Israel til at udføre luftangreb i Libanon.
I et forsøg på at ødelægge PLO's styrker begyndte Israel at bombardere Sydlibanon og Beirut d. 5 juni 1982.[4][5][6]
Israels invasion af Libanon startede med israelskeluftangreb mod palæstinensiske stillinger i Vestbeirut d. 4. juni1982. Derefter rykkede den israelske invasionsstyrke mod nord i Libanon på en bred front.
For Israel blev invasionen landets hidtil længste krig og en meget alvorlig belastning for det internationale syn på landet.
^"Israel invades Lebanon in response to terrorist attacks by PLO guerrillas based there", USA Today (cited in, Facts on File, AP).
^Carnes, Mark C.; Garraty, John A. (2006). The American Nation. USA: Pearson Education. s. 903. ISBN0-321-42606-1.{{cite book}}: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link)
^Time (2006). The Year in Review. New York: Time Books. ISSN1097-5721. "For decades now, Arab terrorists operating out of southern Lebanon have staged raids and fired mortar shells into northern Israel, denying the Israelis peace of mind. In the early 1980s, the terrorists operating out of Lebanon were controlled by Yasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization (P.L.O.). After Israel's ambassador to Britain, Shlomo Argov, was shot in cold blood and seriously wounded by the Palestinian terror group Abu Nidal in London in 1982, fed-up Israelis sent tanks and troops rolling into Lebanon to disperse the guerrillas." (pp. 44–45)
^"Israel – War in Lebanon". Britannica Student Encyclopedia. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Retrieved on 13 April 2007.
^"Israel 1982 Invasion of Lebanon", The Library of Congress Country Studies; CIA World Factbook via Photius Coutsoukis. "Since 1970, Israeli settlements near the southern border of Lebanon had been exposed to harassing attacks from forces of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which had been driven out of Jordan. On three occasions, in 1970, 1972, and 1978, Israel had retaliated by ground operations carried out up to Lebanon's Litani River. ... Meanwhile Israel had conducted preemptive shelling and air strikes to deter PLO terrorist attacks on settlements in Galilee in northern Israel."
^Israel, Infoplease. "The PLO had long plagued Israelis with terrorist actions."