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Neurolingvistisk programmering (NLP) er en pseudovidenskabelig[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]
praksis indenfor personlig udvikling, der har til mål at skabe forandring i menneskers liv. NLP benyttes både i forbindelse med mental træning for topidrætsudøvere, og i erhvervskurser hvor personlig udvikling af den enkelte medarbejder søges, samt til at afhjælpe følelsesmæssige problemer.
^Druckman, Daniel; John A. Swets (1988). "Enhancing human performance: Issues, theories, and techniques". Human Resource Development Quarterly. 1 (2): 202-06. doi:10.1002/hrdq.3920010212.
^Druckman, Daniel (1. november 2004). "Be All That You Can Be: Enhancing Human Performance". Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 34 (11): 2234-60. doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.2004.tb01975.x.
^Witkowski, Tomasz (1. januar 2010). "Thirty-Five Years of Research on Neuro-Linguistic Programming. NLP Research Data Base. State of the Art or Pseudoscientific Decoration?". Polish Psychological Bulletin. 41 (2). doi:10.2478/v10059-010-0008-0. All of this leaves me with an overwhelming impression that the analyzed base of scientific articles is treated just as theater decoration, being the background for the pseudoscientific farce which NLP appears to be. Using "scientific" attributes, which is so characteristic of pseudoscience, is manifested also in other aspects of NLP activities... My analysis leads undeniably to the statement that NLP represents pseudoscientific rubbish