"Radio" omdirigeres hertil. For andre betydninger af Radio, se Radio (flertydig).
En radiomodtager beregnet til FM-radio og AM-radio (mellembølgebåndet).En gammel radiomodtager beregnet til AM-radio via mellembølgebåndet og en del af kortbølgebåndet.
Verdensmodtager eller verdensradio - modtager langbølgebåndet, mellembølgebåndet og især stort set hele kortbølgebåndet.
Kommunikationsradiomodtager, kommunikationsmodtager - radiomodtager (typisk kortbølge men også andre bånd) med storsignalformåen, høj følsomhed, høj selektivitet - typisk med mange justeringsmuligheder. De markedsføres ikke til forbrugersegmentet, men derimod til professionelle.[1]
Ultra Wide Band - modtager signal, der breder sig meget frekvensmæssigt, men som fx består af tidsmæssigt smalle pulser.
Forstærkerkomponent eller detektorkomponent teknologi:
Ikke radiofoni baseret: Internetradio (omfatter webradio), som anvender internettet som medium.
^worldradiohistory.com: Broadcast listening in the pioneer days of radio on the short waves, 1923 1945 Jerome S. Berg Citat: "...Three basic types of superhet receivers with shortwave capability soon emerged: all wave home radios with shortwave bands, communications receivers, and high fidelity shortwave sets.7...In a different category from the consumer radios were the communications receivers. The full story of the communications receiver is beyond the scope of this book.14 Suffice it to say that they were intended to offer a level of sensitivity, selectivity, and signal handling that would get the most out of whatever signal was reaching the antenna, without regard to operational simplicity or decor. The term communications receiver was not entirely self-defining, for there were communications receivers that were "little more than broadcast receivers repackaged in metal communications-type cabinets, "15 modest radios like the Hallicrafters Sky Champion and Super Defiant, and high-performance sets like some of the Hallicrafters Sky Riders and many of the Hammarlund and National models...", backup