Brunel vor der Ankerkette des Dampfschiffes Great Eastern. Die Fotografie von Robert Howlett von 1857 zeigt die selbstbewusste Ausstrahlung Brunels.[1][2]Unterschrift Brunels
↑Zu dem Foto Andy Grundberg: The Machine and the Garden. Photography, Technology, and the End of Innocent Space. In: ders.: Crisis of the Real. Writings on Photography, 1974–1989. Aperture, New York 1990, S. 50–65, hier S. 51: „the famous Robert Howlett portrait of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who is shown standing with obvious pride and self-satisfaction … [the picture shows] the creation of a new Eden, one in which the ideal of the garden is supplanted by the ideal of the machine“.
↑John Cooper: A Guide to the National Portrait Gallery. National Portrait Gallery Publications, London 2009, ISBN 978-1-85514-407-1, S.46.