May 9 – The English Parliament closes its session for the year, and royal assent is given by King Henry IV to various acts, including the Sealing of Cloths Act 1409 and the Unlawful Games Act.
May 19 – During his campaign against the Eastern Mongols, China's Yongle Emperor stops with his troops at Minluanshu and orders the carving of an inscription on rocks at the north bank of the Kerulen river, declaring "In the eighth year of the Yongle geng yin, fourth month ding you, sixteenth day ren zi, the Emperor of the Great Ming passed here with six armies during the punitive expedition against the barbarian robbers."[8]
May 31 – King Martin I of Aragon (who is also King Martin II of Sicily) dies at the age of 53, leaving a question of who his successor will be, and five contenders for the thrones of both nations argue until the crown is awarded to Martin's nephew, Ferdiand, in 1412.[9]
September 19 – After nearly two months of no progress against the defending Teutonic Knights, and the dissatisfaction of the Lithuanians and Poles in continuing a long-term conflict, the siege of Marienburg is lifted.[14]
December 10 – The Teutonic Council, led by the Grand Master Heinrich von Plauen, and King Jogalia of Poland and Duke of Lithuania enter into a 32-day truce.[14]
February 8 – In Spain, a parliament or representatives from Aragon, Catalonia and Valencia is opened at Calatayud to elect a successor to King Martin of Aragon, who had died eight months earlier on May 31.[24] Although James II is nominated by the castellan of Aragon to be the new King, the parliament declines to support him or any other candidate.
Friso-Hollandic Wars: Friesland soldiers capture the Netherlands city of Staveren, the last Netherlands stronghold in Friesland, after a bitter winter prevents ships from both sides from crossing the Zuiderzee and freezes the moat around the city walls.
Gujarat Sultan Ahmen Shah I declares the new city of Ahmedabad to be the new Gujarat capital.[28]
August 4 – Parameswara of Malacca (also identified as Bai-li-mi-su-la or Iskandar Shah, Sultan of Malacca in what is now Malaysia, is hosted by the Ming Court in China for the first of three banquets to honor his visit.[35]
October 3 – At the Abbey of St Vaast in Arras in France, John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy hosts English Bishop Henry Chichele and several envoys who are ready to negotiate terms for English support of Burgundy in the ongoing French civil war with the Armagnacs. The negotiations fail to attract much support other than to hire some of the English soldiers as mercentaries.[36]
October 22 – The Duke of Burgundy and his troops capture Paris with the help of English mercenaries.[37]
November 30 – Henry IV dismisses Prince Henry and his supporters from the government. The next day, the leader of the Armagnacs, the Duke of Orleans, finds that the gates to the walled city of Paris have been locked and are closely guarded.
December 19 – Royal assent is given by King Henry IV to many of the acts passed by the English Parliament, including the Riot Act 1411, which provides that "The justices of peace and the sheriffs shall arrest those which commit any riot... and inquire of them, and record their offences.
December 21 – King Henry IV of England issues pardons to all but two of the Welsh rebels in the Glyndŵr rebellion except for the leaders, Owain Glyndŵr and Thomas of Trumpington[39]
Under the Yongle Emperor of Ming China, work begins to reinstate the ancient Grand Canal of China, which fell into disuse and dilapidation during the previous Yuan dynasty. Between 1411 and 1415, a total of 165,000 laborers dredge the canal bed in Shandong, build new channels, embankments, and canal locks. Four large reservoirs in Shandong are also dug, in order to regulate water levels, instead of resorting to pumping water from local tables. A large dam is also constructed, to divert water from the Wen River southwest into the Grand Canal.
February 15 – The Alcañiz Concord is reached in the Spanish Aragonese city of Alcañiz to have a group of nine delegates choose an undisputed King of Aragon.
March 29 – Compromise of Caspe: Nine delegates are chosen in Spain in the town of Caspe to arrive at an agreement to resolve the question of which of six relatives of the late King Martin on May 31, 1410. should be the new King of Aragon.
May 7 – In Cairo, Abu’l-Faḍl Abbas Al-Musta'in, the Caliph of Cairo, is installed by rebels as the new Sultan of Egypt as a temporary replacement for his father, the Sultan An-Nasir Faraj.[43] Al-Musta'in serves as the puppet ruler for six months before he returns to full time duty as the Caliph.
June 14 – The Antipope John XXIII signs an agreement with King Ladislaus of Naples, paying him 75,000 florins (262.5 kg or 9,375 oz. of gold), investing Ladislaus with the Neapolitan crown, and naming him as Gonfalonier of the Church within the Papal States. In return, King Ladislaus agrees to expel Pope Benedict XII from Naples and to recognize John as the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.[47]
June 24 – Compromise of Caspe: By a vote of nine delegates (three each from the Kingdom of Aragon, the Kingdom of Valencia and the Principality of Catalonia), Ferdinand of Antequera is selected as the new King of Aragon and King of Sicily, after a two year succession crisis that arose from 1410 death of King Martin.[48]
June 28 – As the Compromise of Carpe is read aloud by Friar Vicent Ferrer before a crowd, Ferdinand I is proclaimed as the King of Aragon by the deleagates at Caspe.[49]
August 24 – The Battle of Motta is fought when the Republic of Venice is forced to defend an invasion by n an invading army of Hungarians, Germans and Croats.Townsend, George Henry (1862). The manual of dates. London.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) The invading force suffers a heavy defeat, losing 1,300 killed and 400 others captured.[51][52]
December 1 – King Henry IV of England issues a summons of the English Parliament for his final time, directing the members of Commons and the House of Lords to asemble on February 3.
The first mention is made of Wallachian knights competing in a jousting tournament, in Buda.
John II of Castile declares the Valladolid laws, that restrict the social rights of Jews. Among many other restrictions, the laws force Jews to wear distinctive clothes, and deny them administrative positions.
February 3 – The 10th and final English Parliament of King Henry IV opens its session, but closes abruptly after six weeks because of the death of the King.
March 22 – King Henry V summons the English Parliament to meet at Westminster beginning on May 14.
March 27 – The Republic of Genoa regains its independence after having been a territory of the Kingdom of France since 1396, and Giorgio Adorno is elected as the Doge for life. He will die after slightly less than two years in office.
June 8 – King Ladislaus of Naples and his troops conquer and sack the city of Rome and drive out the Antipope John XXIII.
June 9 – Parliament closes in England as royal assent is given by King Henry V to acts passed during the session, including the Corn Measure Act 1413 and the Parliamentary Elections Act 1413 that sets regulations for the qualification of men to be elected to the House of Commons.
August 3 – The Cabochien revolt comes to an end as the citizenry and nobles of Paris rise up against rebel control. The Cabochiens who fail to flee the city are executed, although Simon Caboche and the Duke of Burgundy escape.
January 9 – The Oldcastle Revolt, led by John Oldcastle as an uprising by the Lollards in England against King Henry V, begins at St. Giles' Fields. King Henry's troops, stationed at Clerkenwell Priory in London, halt the rebellion the next day and capture 80 rebels who are later convicted of and executed for treason.[64]
February 26 – The speech given by French theologian Jean Petit of the "Council of Faith", including nine propositions drawn from the speech, is publicly burned by order of the inquisitor, Gerard de Montaigu, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Paris.
August 29 – The brotherhood of the "Sancta dels Folls Dona Nostra i Desamparats Innocents" (Our Lady of the Insane and the Forsaken Innocents) is founded in Valencia to help the mentally ill, but soon extends its mission to take care of homeless and abandoned children.[72]
October 8 – Bohemian church reformer Jan Hus departs his home at the invitation of King Sigismund of Germany in order to attend the Council of Constance. A few weeks after his November 3 arrival, however, he is imprisoned and spends the rest of his life in captivity.
November 16 – The Council of Constance opens at Konstanz begins in order to end the western schism and resolve the conflict of having three different Popes recognized by Rome (Benedict XIII), Avignon (Gregory XII) and Avignon (John XXIII), after being summoned by King Sigismund.
The TibetanlamaJe Tsongkhapa, of the Gelug school of Buddhism, declines the offer of the Yongle Emperor of China to appear in the capital at Nanjing, although he sends his disciple Chosrje Shākya Yeshes, who is given the title "State Teacher". The later Xuande Emperor will grant Yeshes the title of a king, upon a return visit to China (to the new capital at Beijing).
January 24 – France and England agree to extend their truce in the ongoing Burgundian War after the English Bishop of Durham and of Norwich meet with representatives of King Charles VI, prolonging a ceasefire until May 1.[77]
January 30 – (19th day of 12th month Ōei 21) Shoko is formally enthroned as the new Emperor of Japan, more than two years after the abdication of his father, the Emperor Go-Komatsu.
March 13 – (4th waxing of Tagu 776 ME) At the decisive Battle of Dala in Myanmar, Crown Prince Minye Kyawswa of Ava leads his troops in the battle against the army of King Razdarit of Hanthawaddy.[78] Prince Kyawswa is killed, but King Minkhaung's troops defeat the Hanthawaddy invaders and force their retreat.Yazawin Thit The loss for King Razdarit comes despite the advice of his astrologers for the date of the attack.[78]
March 20 – Despite his promise to resign, the Antipope John XXIII escapes the city of Constance and takes refuge in the Duchy of Austria at Schaffhausen.*Shahan, Thomas (1908). "Council of Constance" . In Herbermann, Charles (ed.). Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 4. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
April 6 – The decree Haec sancta synodus is approved by the Council of Constance and sets the precedent that an ecumenical council of cardinals and bishops has superiority over the Pope. The decree provides that a council "legitimately assembled in the Holy Spirit... has power immediately from Christ; and that everyone of whatever state or dignity, even papal (in the Latin text,etiam si papalis), is bound to obey it in those matters which pertain to the faith."[80]
May 4 – The Council of Constance declares that the late English theologian John Wycliffe (1328-1384) was a heretic and bans his writings, as well as directing that his work be burned, and that Wycliffe's remains be removed from their burial site on consecrated church ground.[81] The order will be carried out 13 years later in 1428.
May 11 – From Valencia in Spain, the Antipope Benedict XIII issues a papal bull with eleven prohibitions against Jews, including a ban on teaching, reading or possessing the Talmud; prohibition of Jewish possession of Christian artifacts or Christian books; limiting each town to only one synagogue; barring Jews from serving specific jobs or making contracts; segregating Jews from Christians in all public places; and requiring all Jews to wear "a red and yellow sign" on their clothes. Jews who convert to the Roman Catholic faith become exempt from the restrictions[82]
June 5 – The Council of Constance condemns the writings of John Wycliffe and asks Jan Hus to recant in public his heresy; after his denial, he is tried for heresy, excommunicated, then sentenced to be burned at the stake.
July 18 – Sigismund, King of the Romans, departs from the meeting of the Council of Constance on a special trip to Perpignan, in order to secure the resignation of the antipope Benedict XIII in order to end the Western Schism, and then to try to end the wars between France and England, and Poland and the Teutonic Knights.[83]
November 12 – The English Parliament is closed after accomplishing the passage of the Money Act 1415, upgrading the penalty for importing or offering in payment "any sort of money forbidden by former statutes" to a felony.[86]
The Grand Canal of China is reinstated by this year after it had fallen out of use; restoration began in 1411, and was a response by the Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty to improve the grain shipment system of tribute traveling from south to north, towards his new capital at Beijing. With this action, the food supply crisis is solved by the end of the year.
March 1 – Sigismund, King of Germany arrives in Paris to reach an agreement with the Franch government, but is unable to because of difficulty in reaching an agreement satisfactory to the Orleanist and Burgundian factions of government.
July 16 – Following the Venetian Navy triumph over the Ottomans at Gallipoli, Dolfino Venier, the Republic of Venice's ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, reaches an agreement with the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed I to begin discussing a treaty.
November 19 – At Nanjing, the Emperor Yongle bestows gifts at a grand ceremony to princes, civil officials, military officers, and the ambassadors of 18 countries.[90]
January 19 – After the dismissal of Al-Musta'in as Caliph of Cairo by the Sultan Shaykh al-Mahmudi is declared unlawful by Islamic clerics, Shaykh arranges Al-Musta'in and three sons of the late Sultan Faraj to be transferred away from Cairo to Alexandria.[93]
February 15 – In Korea, Grand Prince Yangnyeong of the Joseon Kingdom and heir to the throne, causes a scandal that ends any possibility of becoming the next King. Yangnyeong courts the wife of another official and attempts to bring here into the royal palace in Seoul, ending in his banishment from the royal household and being replaced on June 3, 1418.[94]
February 24 – An envoy of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, identified in Italian records as "Chamitzi", arrives in the Republic of Venice to demand the release of Ottoman soldiers who had been taken as prisoners of war during the conflict between Venice and the Ottomans. The release of each nation's prisoners of war is unresolved and hinders peace negotiations.[95]
April 5 – Jean de Touraine, the Dauphin of France and heir to the French throne as the eldest living son of King Charles VI, dies suddenly at the age of 18 from a suspected poisoning. Jean's 15-year-old brother, Charles, becomes the new Dauphin.[98][99][100]
April 29 – Louis II, Duke of Anjou, and former claimant to being King of Naples, dies at the age of 39 and is succeded by his 13-year-old son, Louis III.cWładysław II Jagiełło, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, remarries less than year after the death of his wife Anna of Cilli, taking Elizabeth Granowska as his third wife in a ceremony at Sanok.[101] Because the Polish nobles do not approve of the marriage, Elizabeth's coronation does not take place for six months.
June 2 – King Henry V of England issues an order directing penalties for wearing of an unauthorized coat of arms, directing sheriffs, on the day of mustering of persons for an exhibition, to inquire in such cases "by whose gift he holds those arms or coats of arms, except for those who bore arms with us at the Battle of Aguincourt."[103]
June 24 – The earliest extant description of Tynwald Day; the annual meeting of the Isle of Man's parliament (Tynwald) is written down in law.[104] Its first recorded use for the promulgation of laws dates to 24 June 1417, when Sir John Stanley presided.
June 29 – An English fleet, led by the Earl of Huntingdon, defeats a fleet of Genoese carracks and captures their admiral, the "Bastard of Bourbon".[105]
June 30 – In France, the Baron of Trévoux reverses a ban against the town's Jewish population, and allows them to study the Talmud without interference.[106]
July 30 – King Henry V of England begins and invasion of France, where he wishes to claim the throne, taking with him 42,000 soldiers on a fleet of 1,500 ships.[108]
August 12 – King Henry V of England begins using the English language in correspondence back to England from France, where he is leading a campaign, marking the beginning of this king's continuous usage of English in prose, and the beginning of the restoration of English as an official language for the first time since the Norman Conquest, some 350 years earlier.
August 18 – King Henry V begins the siege of Caen with bombardment of the walls using advanced weaponry.[109]
September 4 – English troops succeed in opening the gates of Caen and begin a massacre of over 1,800 civilians.[110]
October 5 – King Henry V of England summons the English Parliament to assemble on November 16.
October 31 – On Hallowtide, by order of the Lord May Henry Barton, street lighting is first used in London, with lanterns to be hung out on winter evenings, lasting until the night of Candlemas on February 2.[113]
November 11 – On St. Martin's Day, with all three previous claimants to the office of Pope gone, the 53-member Council of Constance unanimously elects Oddone Colonna to be the new Pontiff.[115] Colonna will take the name of Saint Martin of Tours upon his consecration.
November 16 – The English Parliament opens at Westminster for a 31-day session and re-elects Roger Flower as Speaker of the House of Commons.
November 19 – The coronation of Elizabeth Granowska as Queen consort of Poland takes place after King Wladyslaw receives a special dispensation from the Council of Constance.[101]
November 21 – The coronation of Oddone Colonna as Pope Martin V takes place in Constance as he becomes the 206th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.[115] His installation ends a period of two years and five months without a Pope at Rome, as he succeeds Pope Gregory XII, who had abdicated on July 4, 1415.
December 14 – In punishment for his conviction for high treason against the Crown of England, Sir John Oldcastle, Baron Cobham, is hanged outside the church of St Giles in the Fields and then (carrying out the sentence for a prior conviction of heresy) burned, "gallows and all".[116]
December 17 – The English Parliament closes and King Henry V gives royal assent to its one major law, the Attorney Act 1417, which provides that "All persons until the next parliament may make their attornies in wapentakes, hundreds, and court barons."[117]
February 7 – The Lam Sơn uprising in Chinese-occupied Vietnam beginsduring the Tết holiday as a group of 18 men led by Lê Lợi begin a nine year rebellion against Ming dynasty China.[120]
March 24 – Švitrigaila of Lithuania, son of the late Grand Duke Algirdas, is freed after nine years imprisonment at Lithuania's Kremenets Castle after a group of 500 soldiers, led by Dashko Ostrogski, storm the castle.[123]
June 3 – Because of the rebellion of his son, Grand Prince Yangnyeong (Yi Che), King Taejong of Korea permanently disowns Yangnyeong as heir to the throne.[127]
July 29 – The Army of England, led by King Henry V, begins the siege of Rouen, the capital of Normandy in France. The siege lasts almost six months before the Burgundian French defenders surrender[130]
August 10 – King Taejong, ruler of the kingdom of Joseon that encompasses most of Korea, agrees to abdicate his throne in order for his son Prince Yi Do to become the new monarch. Taejong then becomes the King Emeritus (Sangwang).
August 21 – Armagnac–Burgundian Civil War: The massacre of the Armagnacs ends in Paris after as many as 5,000 people have been killed in retaliation for the assassination of John the Fearless.[128]
August 23 – Beatrice Lascaris di Tenda, Duchess of Milan as the wife of the Duke Filippo Maria Visconti, is secretly arrested for adultery and removed from the walled city of Milan while its gates are locked.[131] On her husband's orders, she is transferred to the Castello Visconteo in nearby Binasco, where she, two of her maidens, and her lover, the troubadour Michele Orombelli, are tortured. Beatrice is beheaded on September 13, and her three accomplices are put to death on the same day.
September 18 – Prince Yi Do, son of Korea's King Emeritus Taejong, is enthroned as King Sejong, and will make major reforms during his reign of more than 30 years.[133][134]
October 2 – Sim On is appointed as the new Chief State Councillor of Korea (Yeonguijeong) by the new monarch, King Sejong, but is only in power for three months before being arrested and subsequently executed.[135]
May 10 – In Italy's Republic of Florence, the republic is elevated to the level of an archdioese by Pope Martin V, who spent 18 months in Florence after being elected by the Council of Constance. In recognition of the hospitality accorded to him, Pope Martin names Bishop Amerigo Corsini to be the first Archbishop of Florence.[146]
May 14 – The Treaty of Torun ends the war between the Teutonic Knights and the Polish and Lithuanian Kingdom.[147]
May 15 – Raron affair: In Switzerland, The representatives of Lucerne, Uri and Unterwalden leave Zurich and halt further discussion with Bern after failing to win any concessions.[145]
August 16 – King Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia dies of a heart attack at the age of 58, leading to the outbreak shortly thereafter of the Hussite Wars.
August 17 – Siege of Ceuta: After four days of battle, the Portuguese defenders of the city of Ceuta are able to force a retreat of invaders from Morocco.
August 24 – King Henry V of England directs the members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords to assemble at Westminster by October 16.
October 16 – The first session, in almost two years, of the English Parliament is opened by King Henry V. The House of Commons re-elects Roger Flower as its speaker.
November 13 – The 1419 session of the English Parliament closes after four weeks.
November 24 – The Timurid ruler of Persia, Mirza Shahrukh (r. 1404–1447), sends a large embassy to the court of the Yongle Emperor of China.[154] The group arrives in China on 29 August 1420.[154] One of the Persian envoys, Ghiyāth al-dīn Naqqāsh, keeps a diary of his travels throughout China, which soon becomes widely known throughout Iranian and the Turkic Middle East, thanks to its inclusion into historical works by Hafiz-i Abru, and Abdur Razzaq. Naqqash writes about China's wealthy economy and huge urban markets, its efficient courier system as compared to that in Persia, the hospitality of his hosts at the courier stations in providing comfortable lodging and food, and the fine luxurious goods and craftsmanship of the Chinese.[154]
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^Sen, Tansen (2016), The impact of Zheng He's expeditions on Indian Ocean interactions, p. 619
^Jeronimo Dias Leite, Descobrimento da Ilha da Madeira e Discurso da Vida e Feitos Dos Capitães da dira Ilha (Discovery of the Island of Madeira and discourse on the life and deeds of the Captains of the said Island) (1579, reprinted by Coimbra, 1947, with introduction and notes by João Franco Machado)
^Prince Stephen Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich and Eleanor Calhoun, Princess Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich, The Servian People: Their Past Glory and Their Destiny (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910) p.530
^ abcAbru, Hafiz (1970), A Persian Embassy to China, being an extract from Zubdatu't tawarikh of Hafiz Abru, New York: Paragon Book Reprint Corp., p. 6. Translated by K.M. Maitra, with introduction by L. Carrington Goodrich.