A sparsely populated Mountain West state, Wyoming is considered to be a deeply red state, and Donald Trump was expected to easily win the state. Wyoming has not voted for a Democratic presidential candidate since 1964. This is also the case in Idaho, Utah, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Wyoming had furthermore been Trump's second-strongest state in 2016 and strongest state in 2020 (trading places with West Virginia), voting for Trump by more than a 40% margin in both elections.
On election day, Wyoming was once again Trump's strongest state. Trump's 71.60% vote share in the state was the highest a presidential nominee has ever received in Wyoming, surpassing Ronald Reagan's 70.51% of the vote in the 1984 presidential election; and was the first time that any nominee won over 70% of the vote in any state since 2012 (when Barack Obama did so in Hawaii and Mitt Romney, in Utah).