The word anathema has two main meanings. One is to describe that something or someone is being hated or avoided. The other refers to a formal excommunication by a church.[1][2][3] These meanings come from the New Testament,[4] where an anathema was a person or thing cursed or condemned by God.[5] In the Old Testament, an anathema was something or someone cursed and separated from God because of sin.[6] These represent two types of settings, one for devotion, the other for destruction.[7]
The main definitions of the noun anathema are (1) a detested person or thing, and (2) a formal ecclesiastical ban.
Its meaning in the New Testament is "disfavour of God", and is used both of the sentence of disfavour, as in Acts 23:14, and to the object of God's disfavour, as in the other cited places.