Android XR is an upcoming extended reality (XR) operating system developed by Google and based on Android. It was announced in December 2024 and will launch in 2025 on a headset manufactured by Samsung and a pair of smartglasses developed by Google DeepMind. It is heavily integrated with the Gemini generative artificial intelligence–powered chatbot.
Following Google's earlier commercial failure of Google Glass, an earlier head-worn product, Google acquired VR companies Tilt Brush and Owlchemy Labs and made other ventures into head-worn computing products including the Google Cardboard and Google Daydream VR headsets, which were both eventually discontinued. In 2021, Google revived its XR efforts with a project internally codenamed Project Iris, an AR headset powered by a new operating system. However, Google shelved the project after Apple released the Vision Pro VR headset in 2024. One year later, Google announced Android XR as Project Iris' spiritual successor.