The Arjan Garh metro station is a station on the Yellow Line of Delhi Metro.[3][4] It is the last station on the line before it enters Haryana. The station was to be initially built a few hundred meters away from its present location near the Arjan Garh air force station. However, since that area was not densely populated, the alignment was shifted to Aya Nagar; despite this, its name was not changed to reflect the new location. Hence, a movement to get the name of the station changed was started by local residents in 2010.[5][6][7]
While the initial cost for changing the station's name was told as ₹248,000 (US$2,900) by DMRC, it was later increased to ₹5 crore (US$580,000). The residents went to the High Court of Delhi, which in Ved Pal vs Govt. of NCT of Delhi & Anr. ruled that the court cannot determine whether any policy or a specific decision taken to fulfill that policy is fair. It can only deal with the manner in which that decision was taken, and since the naming of the metro station after the Arjan Garh air force base could not be considered to be arbitrary or irrational, the petition was accordingly dismissed.[8]