Balochi music is the musical traditions of the Baloch people and music in the Balochi language.[1] The Baloch people have a rich oral tradition that includes poems and songs to celebrate or commemorate many events such as religious rites, festivals, or holidays and dance.[2][3]
Types of Baloch songs include Balochi praise songs (sipatt and nazenk), love songs (dastanag), elegies (Mōtk or Mowtk.), lullabies (lilo), wedding and circumcision songs (halo and lado), songs of separation (zahirok, liko), epics (sher), fishermen’s songs (amba and lewa), healing songs ( gwati, sheki, sheparja, and malid, Zar), and Zikri ritual songs.[3][4]
Notable musical forms in Balochi culture include Sepad, Shabtagi, Vazbad, Lullaby, and Zahirok, which are performed in various rituals, such as those following the birth of a child, while lullabies are sung to soothe infants and children.[5]
As with spoken language, Baloch music varies from region to region.[6]
The main meter of Nazenk is a melancholic and emotional, often dealing with themes of separation and longing. Nazenk is sung without music and in a melodic or recited way. Basically the singers of this type of songs are often women but men also perform and sing them.[7][3]
Leva is a from of Balochi music, upbeat and celebratory songs performed at weddings and festivals.[3]
Liko is often performed during celebrations, weddings, and cultural festivals. The word liko conveys sense of longing. The performance typically involves traditional instruments such as the suroz and dhol creating lively rhythms that accompany the dance. Liko features energetic movements, often characterized by circular formations where dancers hold hands and move in sync with the music.[8]
Balochi music has been very popular in Iran, Oman and Pakistan.