Genus of fungi
The Coniochaeta are a genus of pleomorphic yeasts of the order Coniochaetales and are pathogens of trees .[ 1] Some species have also been found to form endophytic associations within plants in which they live inside plant tissues but do not actually harm the organism .[ 2] They can take the form of pink to brown colonies , hyphae , conidiophores or sclerotia . In 2013, the Lecythophora were merged with the Coniochaeta , following suggestions by Ziauddin Khan et al .[ 3]
^ Damm, U; Fourie, PH; Crous, PW (June 2010). "Coniochaeta (Lecythophora), Collophora gen. nov. and Phaeomoniella species associated with wood necroses of Prunus trees" . Persoonia . 24 : 60– 80. doi :10.3767/003158510x500705 . PMC 2890157 . PMID 20664761 .
^ Harrington, A; Olmo-Ruiz, M; U'Ren, J; Garcia, K; Pignatta, D; Wespe, N; Sandberg, D; Huang, Y; Hoffman, M; Arnold, A (July 2019). "Coniochaeta endophytica sp. nov., a foliar endophyte associated with healthy photosynthetic tissue of Platycladus orientalis (Cupressaceae)" . Plant and Fungal Systematics . 64 (1): 65– 79. doi :10.2478/pfs-2019-0008 .
^ Khan, Ziauddin; Gené, J; Ahmad, S; Cano, J; Al-Sweih, N; Joseph, L; Chandy, R; Guarro, J (Aug 2013). "Coniochaeta polymorpha , a new species from endotracheal aspirate of a preterm neonate, and transfer of Lecythophora species to Coniochaeta ". Antonie van Leeuwenhoek . 104 (2): 243– 52. doi :10.1007/s10482-013-9943-z . PMID 23748934 .