The Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum is the head of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, a post currently held by Tristram Hunt, who succeeded Martin Roth, who died in August 2017, months after he announced he would resign in January. The postholder is responsible for that institution's general administration and reports its accounts to the British Government.
The actual governance of the museum, however, is delegated to its board of trustees; these are appointed individually by the British Prime Minister.[1] The National Heritage Act 1983, which established the museum's board of trustees, provides the prime minister's power to appoint the members and the chair of the board of trustees, and provides for the director to be appointed by this board, with the approval of the prime minister.[2][3]
3(2)The trustees shall be appointed by the Prime Minister, who shall appoint one of them to be chairman... 4(1)There shall be a Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum who shall be appointed by the Board with the approval of the Prime Minister.
Theresa May gave the "rubber stamp" to Tristram Hunt's appointment as the director of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, a spokesperson for the Prime Minister has confirmed.