The Empire of Man (also called the Prince Roger series and the March Upcountry series) is a series of science fiction books by David Weber and John Ringo published by Baen Books.[1] It combines elements of space opera and military science fiction.
The series tells the story of Prince Roger and his personal guard, the Bronze Battalion of the Empress's Own, as they cross the hostile and alien world of Marduk where they have been marooned. Roger is the spoiled younger son of the Empress of the largest polity in the galaxy, the Earth-based "Empire of Man". Roger, third in line to his mother's throne, is described at the start of the series as an over-handsome, but essentially useless fop. Part of this description comes from a reputation he owes to the acts and status of his father, the Duke of New Madrid, who is estranged from the empress.[2]
Ringo was introduced to the public through his collaboration with Weber on the Prince Roger series--launched in 2001 with March Upcountry[...]
Drake cohort David Weber's March series, in which a spoiled prince (with mad combat skills) crash-lands on the back end of a savage planet with a contingent of Marines and has to fight his way half-way around the world to a spaceport.