Fixer Upper is an American reality television series about home design and renovation that aired on HGTV. The series starred Chip and Joanna Gaines, a married couple who own a home renovation and redecoration business in Waco, Texas.[1] The show's pilot aired in May 2013,[2] with the first full season beginning in April 2014.[3] Season two began in January 2015;[4][5] season three began in December 2015; and season four began in November 2016. The final season premiered on November 21, 2017.[6][7]
Fixer Upper became popular soon after its debut, and the series is largely credited with the rise in popularity of "Farmhouse-chic" interior design in the late 2010s.[8][9] In 2018, Zillow reported that homes with architectural features mentioned on the show, such as wainscoting, shiplap, clawfoot bathtubs, and barn doors, sold at an average of 30percent above expected value.[10] In addition, the show generated an increase in tourism and economic development in Waco, where the show was recorded.[11]
In 2020, Discovery, Inc. announced that Fixer Upper would be revived as a launch program for Magnolia Network—a new channel overseen by the Gaineses that replaced HGTV's sister channel DIY Network.[12] The revival, Fixer Upper: Welcome Home, premiered in January 2021 as part of the Magnolia Network soft launch on Discovery+.[13][14]Fixer Upper: The Castle aired in 2022, and Fixer Upper: The Hotel began airing in 2023.[15][16]