Ornamental wellhead (puteal) (1st century AD) depicting a drunken Hercules as part of a Bacchic revelVotive altar dedicated to the Divine Fontes (plural)
Fontus or Fons (pl.: Fontes, "Font" or "Source") was a god of wells and springs in ancient Roman religion. A religious festival called the Fontinalia was held on October 13 in his honor. Throughout the city, fountains and wellheads were adorned with garlands.[1]
Fontus was the son of Juturna and Janus.[2]Numa Pompilius, second king of Rome, was supposed to have been buried near the altar of Fontus (ara Fontis) on the Janiculum.[3]William Warde Fowler observed that between 259 and 241 BC, cults were founded for Juturna, Fons, and the Tempestates, all having to do with sources of water.[4] As a god of pure water, Fons can be placed in opposition to Liber as a god of wine identified with Bacchus.[5]
An inscription includes Fons among a series of deities who received expiatory sacrifices by the Arval Brothers in 224 AD, when several trees in the sacred grove of Dea Dia, their chief deity, had been struck by lightning and burnt. Fons received two wethers.[6] Fons was not among the deities depicted on coinage of the Roman Republic.[7]
The gens Fonteia claimed to be Fontus' descendants.
^Stephen L. Dyson, Rome: A Living Portrait of an Ancient City (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010), p. 228. Described by Varro, De lingua latina 6.3: "The Fontanalia [is named after] Fontus, because it's his holiday (dies feriae); on account of him then they toss wreaths into fountains and garland puteals" (Fontanalia a Fonte, quod is dies feriae eius; ab eo tum et in fontes coronas iaciunt et puteos coronant). Festus also mentions the rites (sacra).
^As when two characters argue over which holds imperium in Plautus's Stichus, line 696ff.; Thomas Habinek, The World of Roman Song (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005), p. 186.
^Mary Beard, J.A. North, and S.R.F. Price, Religions of Rome: A Sourcebook (Cambridge University Press, 1998), p. 152.
^Michael H. Crawford, Roman Republican Coinage (Cambridge University Press, 1974, 2001), p. 914.