Gesa Ederberg (born 1968 in Tübingen, Germany) is a German rabbi; she became the first female pulpit rabbi in Berlin in 2007 when she became the rabbi of the New Synagogue, Berlin (Oranienburger Strasse Synagogue) in the former East Berlin.[1][2][3][4] Her installation as such was opposed by Berlin's senior Orthodox rabbi Yitzchak Ehrenberg.[1]
She converted to Judaism in 1995.[3] She was ordained by the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem in 2003.[5] She established a Conservative Jewish beit midrash in Berlin.[5] She was part of the 2006 founding of the European Rabbinical Assembly of Masorti/Conservative Rabbis.[6]
As of 2013, she was the executive vice president of Masorti Europe and the rabbi of New Synagogue, Berlin.[7][8]
The 2022 art exhibit “Holy Sparks”, shown among other places at the Dr. Bernard Heller Museum, featured art about twenty-four female rabbis who were firsts in some way;[9][10] Yona Verwer created the artwork about Ederberg that was in that exhibit.[11]