The Principality of Salerno as it existed in Guaimar's time. Guaimar extended his suzerainty over the Duchy of Amalfi and Principality of Capua and also over all continental Southern Italy, while the Duchy of Naples was a vassal for some years.
^Also Waimar, Gaimar, Guaimaro, Guaimario, Guaimarius, or Weimarius. According to a revised genealogy by Huguette Taviana-Carozzi, he is sometimes numbered Guaimar V. Gravett, 132, calls him "the Iron Hand."
^According to the Catalogum Principum Salerni, he ruled for 34 years and 17 days.
^Cestui Gamérie estoit plus vaillant que le père et plus liberal et courtois à donner, liquel estoit aorné de toutes les vertus que home sécular doit avoir fors de tant que moult se délictoit de avoir moult de fames.