Halal conspiracy theories revolve around a series of Islamophobicconspiracy theories and hoaxes regarding halal certification in products such as food, beverages and cosmetics.[1][2] The claims usually made include that the sale of halal-certified goods in stores is a precursor to the terrorization or institution of Sharia law in a non-Muslim country,[3][4] that the fees paid by companies for halal certification fund Islamic terrorism,[5][6][7] that halal slaughter for meat is cruel, unhygienic or constitutes as animal sacrifice,[1][7][8] among others. The spread of these claims has resulted in boycotts and harassment campaigns against businesses who sell halal-certified products, most notably in Australia and India,[5][7][9] although anti-halal boycott movements also exist in Denmark, France, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.[1][10]