The series premiered on April 17, 2011, on HBO. David Benioff and D. B. Weiss both serve as executive producers, along with Carolyn Strauss, Frank Doelger, Bernadette Caulfield, and George R. R. Martin.[2][3] Filming for the series took place in a number of locations, including Croatia, Northern Ireland, Iceland, and Spain.[4][5][6] Episodes were broadcast on Sunday at 9:00 pm Eastern Time,[7][8] and the episodes are between 50 and 82 minutes in length.[9] All eight seasons are available on DVD, Blu-ray and Ultra HD Blu-ray.
The series concluded after its eighth season, which premiered on April 14, 2019, and consisted of six episodes.[10][11][12] The show's episodes have won numerous awards including four Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Drama Series.[3] During the course of the series, 73 episodes of Game of Thrones aired over eight seasons, between April 17, 2011, and May 19, 2019.