Saturday Night Live (SNL) is a late-night sketch comedy and variety show created by Lorne Michaels. It premiered on NBC on October 11, 1975, under the title NBC's Saturday Night. The show usually satirizes contemporary American popular culture and politics. SNL features a two-tiered cast: the repertory members, also known as the "Not Ready for Prime-Time Players", and newer cast members, known as "Featured Players." A typical episode of SNL will feature a single host, who delivers the opening monologue and performs in sketches with the cast. While the format also features a musical guest, and a number of episodes have featured celebrity cameos, the focus of the show is the guest host.
George Carlin was the first to host the show, while Candice Bergen was both the first woman to do so, as well as the first to host a second time. Guests who host five times (or more) are considered "members" of the Five-Timers Club, introduced on the December 8, 1990 episode, when Tom Hanks became the seventh person to host their fifth episode.[1] There have been 47 episodes on which the show's host also served as the musical guest; the first was Paul Simon on October 18, 1975.[2] The most recent to pull double duty was Timothée Chalamet on January 25, 2025. The Rolling Stones are the only band to ever serve as both host and musical guest during the same episode, which aired October 7, 1978.[3]
The 5-Timers Club
was invoked but never defined (see the help page).