Twin Peaks is an American serial drama television series created by David Lynch and Mark Frost which spans 48 episodes over three seasons. The show's original run, which comprises two seasons and 30 episodes, premiered on April 8, 1990, on ABC in the United States and ended on June 10, 1991. ABC canceled the original run due to declining ratings in the second season.[1] The show's third season, consisting of 18 episodes, was announced in October 2014[2] and premiered on Showtime on May 21, 2017.[3] The pilot and season 2 premiere are each 94 minutes long, while every other episode is approximately 45 minutes. Most episodes of the third season are approximately 60 minutes.
Twin Peaks follows FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan), who is sent to the fictional town of Twin Peaks, Washington, to investigate the murder of popular and respected high school student Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee). A feature-length prequel film, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, was released on August 28, 1992, and depicts the events leading up to Laura's death.[4]
Both original seasons of Twin Peaks were released on DVD in the U.S., the first season in 2001 by Republic Pictures Entertainment/Artisan Home Entertainment and the second season in 2007 by Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment/CBS DVD.[5][6] A DVD box set, The Definitive Gold Box Edition, was released on October 30, 2007, and included additional features.[7] The original series and the feature-length film were released together on Blu-ray with even more material on July 29, 2014.[8]