Mario Crocco is an Argentine neurobiologist, since 1982 director of the Neurobiological Investigations Center of the Argentine health ministry and since 1988 director of the Electroneurobiological Investigations Laboratory at Hospital Borda in Buenos Aires.
Crocco is internationally known for having proposed in March 2007, a new taxonomic system that would include the hypothetical microorganism thought to have been detected on Mars by the Viking lander biological experiments in 1976. Though these findings were later deemed inconclusive,[1] some scientists interpret the results as evidence of metabolism, and therefore of life; the major proponents of this position are Gilbert Levin,[2] Rafael Navarro-González,[3] and Ronald Paepe.[4]
^Navarro-González, R; Navarro, K. F.; de la Rosa, J., Iñiguez, E.; Molina, P.; Miranda, L. D.; Morales, P; Cienfuegos, E.; Coll, P.; Raulin, F., Amils, R. and McKay, C. P. (2006), "The limitations on organic detection in Mars-like soils by thermal volatilization-gas chromato-graphy-MS and their implications for the Viking results", Proc. Natl. Academy of Sciences 103 (44), 16089-16094.