Nuna |
Nuna 1 (or simply Nuna) was a car powered by solar power, developed by students from the Delft University of Technology.
The first Nuna team (the so-called Alpha Centauri team) consisted of the following team members: Ramon Martinez, Kim de Lange, Eiso Vaandrager, Bart Goorden, Bram Soethoudt, Koen Boorsma, Annebel Borgsteede, Rosalie Puiman and Eric Trottemant. The project was sponsored by Nuon. Thanks to this financial help the team was able to finish their first car: Nuna 1. The team consisted mainly of students from the Delft University of Technology who were guided by former astronaut Wubbo Ockels.
The Nuna won the World Solar Challenge in Australia in 2001; the race ran from Darwin in the north to Adelaide in the south. It was the first time that the Dutch team participated in the race. The 3021 km long race was finished in 32 hours and 39 minutes, breaking the old record by the Honda team from 1996 (33 hours and 32 minutes). The average speed was 91.8 kilometer per hour.[1]