Parker's Ferry is a cable ferry located on the Meherrin River in Hertford County, North Carolina.[1] The ferry is operated by a contractor for the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
Parker's Ferry connects Maney's Neck, formed by the confluence of the Meherrin and Chowan Rivers, with the southern part of Hertford County. The ferry is reached (on the south bank) by Parkers Ferry Road, which crosses the Meherrin River just above its confluence with the Chowan River and just below the confluence of Potecasi Creek and (on the north bank) by Parkers Fishery Road (Hertford SR 1306). It is one of three remaining cable ferries left in operation in North Carolina. The others are the Sans Souci Ferry and Elwell Ferry. The ferry is not considered part of the state ferry system which operates ferries along the immediate NC coast. The NC cable ferries are considered inland ferries and are operated by regional DOT divisional offices instead of the NC DOT Ferry Division.