Color that is a tone of golden yellow
Saffron Hex triplet #F4C430 sRGB B (r , g , b )(244, 196, 48) HSV (h , s , v )(45°, 80%, 96%) CIELChuv (L , C , h )(81, 90, 63°) Source Maerz and Paul[ 1] ISCC–NBS descriptor Vivid yellow B : Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
Rajah Hex triplet #FBAB60 sRGB B (r , g , b )(251, 171, 96) HSV (h , s , v )(29°, 62%, 98%) CIELChuv (L , C , h )(76, 83, 42°) Source [Unsourced ] ISCC–NBS descriptor Moderate orange B : Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
Deep saffron(Bhagwa) Hex triplet #FF9933 sRGB B (r , g , b )(255, 153, 51) HSV (h , s , v )(30°, 80%, 100%) CIELChuv (L , C , h )(72, 105, 37°) Source [Unsourced ] ISCC–NBS descriptor Strong orange B : Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
India saffron(Kesara/Kesariya) Hex triplet #FF7722 sRGB B (r , g , b )(255, 119, 34) HSV (h , s , v )(23°, 87%, 100%) CIELChuv (L , C , h )(65, 125, 26°) Source Vexillological: ISCC–NBS descriptor Strong orange B : Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
Saffron is a shade of yellow or orange , the colour of the tip of the saffron crocus thread, from which the spice saffron is derived.[ 2] The hue of the spice saffron is primarily due to the carotenoid chemical crocin .
The colour displayed in the colour box above matches the colour called saffron in the 1930 book by Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Colour New York:1930 McGraw-Hill; the colour saffron is displayed on page 43 Plate 10, Colour Sample K8.
^ Oxford Living Dictionaries On-Line. Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language (1962)