Self-Defence of the Republic of Poland Polish: Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej | |
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Abbreviation | SRP[1] |
Leader | Krzysztof Prokopczyk |
Founder | Andrzej Lepper |
Founded | 27 July 1991 (trade union)[2] 10 January 1992 (party)[3] |
Registered | 10 January 1992 (trade union)[3] 12 June 1992 (party)[4] |
Headquarters | Aleje Jerozolimskie 30, 00-024 Warsaw |
Youth wing | OMOS RP[5] |
Membership (2012) | 100,000 (party)[6] 500,000 (trade union)[7] |
Ideology | Agrarian socialism[8] Catholic socialism[9] Catholic left[10] Environmentalism[11] Anti-neoliberalism[12] Anti-globalization[13] Left-wing populism[14] Left-wing nationalism[15] |
Political position | Left-wing[nb 1] to far-left[nb 2] |
Religion | Roman Catholicism[48] |
National affiliation | Social Alliance (1998) Liga i Samoobrona (2007) |
Colours | Yellow Blue Green[nb 3] |
Slogan | We choose red and white[52] Polish: Wybieramy biało-czerwonych |
Anthem | This country is ours and yours[53] Polish: Ten kraj jest nasz i wasz |
European parliamentary group | Non-Inscrits PES Group (2004–2009) UEN Group (2004–2009) EUD Group (2005–2009) |
Sejm | 0 / 460 |
Senate | 0 / 100 |
European Parliament | 0 / 51 |
Regional assemblies | 0 / 552 |
City presidents | 0 / 117 |
Website | | (party) (trade union) | |
![]() New logo of the party, adopted in 2009.[54][55][56] |
Part of a series on |
Agrarianism in Poland |
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The Self-Defence of the Republic of Poland (Polish: Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej,[61] SRP) is a Christian socialist,[20][21][62][63] populist,[64][65][66] agrarian,[67][68] and nationalist[69] political party and trade union in Poland. The party promotes agrarian socialist and Catholic socialist[70] economic policies combined with a left-wing populist, anti-globalization and anti-neoliberal rhetoric.[20] The party describes itself as left-wing, although it stresses that it belongs to the "patriotic left" and follows Catholic social teaching.[31] The party is sympathetic to Communist Poland, which led political scientists to label the party as neocommunist,[4] post-communist,[44][71] and far-left.[72]
Though considered a "political chameleon",[21] Self-Defence of the Republic of Poland is generally regarded as a left-wing party by historians and political scientists.[73] According to Andrzej Antoszewski, Self-Defence was a radical left-wing party that by postulating the need to stop privatisation and protect workers' interests, often overlapped with neo-communist parties.[74] In English-language literature, the party is described as a radical left-populist party. In the wake of the SLD's electoral defeat in 2005, Self-Defence was sometimes referred to as the "new left".[75] It was also called a left-wing party with a populist-agrarian face.[76] Political scientists also described it as socialist, allowing it to form alliances with the Democratic Left Alliance. On the other hand, its anti-neoliberal and nationalist narrative also allowed it to briefly cooperate with PiS and LPR in 2005.[77]
Founded by Andrzej Lepper in 1992, the party initially fared poorly, failing to enter the Sejm. However, it was catapulted to prominence in the 2001 parliamentary election, winning 53 seats, after which it gave confidence and supply to the Democratic Left Alliance government. It elected six MEPs at the 2004 European election, with five joining the Union for Europe of the Nations and one joining the PES Group.
It switched its support to Law and Justice (PiS) after the 2005 election, in which it won 56 seats in the Sejm and three in the Senate. Lepper was appointed Deputy Prime Minister in the coalition government with PiS and the League of Polish Families. In 2007, he was dismissed from his position and the party withdrew from the coalition. This precipitated a new election, at which the party collapsed to just 1.5% of the vote: losing all its seats. On August 5, 2011, the Party's leader, Andrzej Lepper, was found dead in his party's office in Warsaw. His death was ruled a suicide by hanging.
Just as the UP's populism was receding in favor of a "left" vs. "right" logic, another anti-liberal populist challenge – albeit coming from a nationalist direction – gained heightened prominence as the Self-Defense of the Republic of Poland (SRP, or "Samoobrona" for short) entered parliament for the first time with over 10% of the vote in the 2001 elections.
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was invoked but never defined (see the help page).Pełnomocniczka Leppera prosiła, by członkowie partii pomogli spłacić długi. Jeszcze niedawno było ich 100 tys.[Lepper's attorney asked party members to help pay off debts. Until recently, there were 100,000.]
The trade union has about 500,000 members (Samoobrona Narodu July 2000); in comparison, the Solidarity trade union had a membership of 1.5 million in 1996. Samoobrona also has hundreds of thousands of sympathisers in the country.
Posługując się powszechnie stosowaną na gruncie rodzimej politologii klasyfikacją partii politycznych R. Herbuta, Samoobronę RP umiejscowić można w rodzinach partii agrarnych i komunistycznych (biorąc pod uwagę ewolucję apelu wyborczego partii w ostatnich latach).[Using the classification of political parties commonly used in Polish political science by R. Herbut, Self-Defence of the Republic of Poland can be placed in the families of agrarian and communist parties (taking into account the evolution of the party's electoral appeal in recent years).]
Partia A. Leppera przedstawiała się jako „prawdziwa lewica", natomiast teoretycy określali ją jako socjalistyczną czy lewicowo-socjalistyczną. (...) Te dane przekładały się także na program ugrupowania, w którym można dostrzec zarówno wpływy agraryzmu, jak i doktryn skrajnie lewicowych.[The party of A. Lepper presented itself as the 'true left', while theoreticians described it as socialist or left-socialist. (...) These data were also translated into the grouping's programme, in which both agrarianism and far-left doctrines can be noted.]
Samoobrona (...) czerpie swoje źródło z ideologii agraryzmu, nacjonalizmu, a także socjalizmu.[Samoobrona (...) draws its origin from the ideologies of agrarianism, nationalism, as well as socialism.]
Badacze partii politycznych umieścili partię Andrzej Leppera na pograniczu partii agrarnych i komunistycznych.[Political party analysts placed Andrzej Lepper's party on the borderline between agrarian and communist parties.]
Lepper änderte seine Strategie 1999 als er begann, seine radikalen Attacken gegenüber dem politischen Establishment mit einer eigenen, wenn auch sehr verschwommenen, Programmatik zu untermauern, die sich gezielt an die Transformationsverlierer wendete: Die anti-liberal, anti-westlich, anti-kosmopolitisch und antimarktwirtschaftlichen Grundströmungen werden zu einem Konzept des „Dritten Weges" zusammengefaßt. Dieser „dritte Weg" wird mit der katholischen Soziallehre bereichert und gegen Kommunismus und Kapitalismus in Stellung gebracht. Neben dieser Quasiideologie, die am ehesten als „christlicher Sozialismus" bezeichnet werden kann...[Lepper changed his strategy in 1999 when he began to underpin his radical attacks against the political establishment with his own, albeit blurred, program, which was specifically aimed at the losers of the transition: the anti-liberal, anti-Western, anti-cosmopolitan and anti-market basic currents are combined into a concept of the "Third Way". This "third way" is enriched with Catholic social teaching and positioned against communism and capitalism. In addition to this quasi-ideology, which can best be described as 'Christian socialism'...]
The same applied to Andrzej Lepper, a farmer turned political revolutionary, and later deputy prime minister in Jaroslaw Kaczynski's government (see Chapter 5). Lepper founded Self-Defence ('Samoobrona', SO), a trade union and political party, in January 1992. His programme was a mixture of socialist and etatist economic policies with populist slogans. Even though Lepper most often praised the communist period as the golden era of Polish farming, and criticised the free market, his rhetoric was full of references to Church, Catholicism and national identity: 'One cannot imagine Polish national culture without (...) Catholicism. It is the Church that allowed us, Poles, to defend our national identity' (U11993). Lepper often quoted John Paul IPs remark that capitalism cannot be the only alternative to communism, and declared that wanting to 'be a Christian in Samoobronas activities means (...) to refer to the social ramifications of the Gospel and papal teachings' (U11993).
Im Programm von Samoobrona wurde das Hauptaugenmerk auf Wirtschaftsfragen gelegt. Die linke Orientierung der SRP zeigt sich in der Verurteilung kapitalistischer Marktwirtschaft und der Forderung nach sozialer Gleichheit. Das Verhältnis zu anderen Fragen der Auslandspolitik, wie z. B. die negative Einschätzung der NATO-Intervention im Kosovo, machen die SRP zum potenziellen Verbündeten der national-katholischen Gruppen. (...) Lepper betont auch, gläubiger Katholik zu sein, und die von ihm geleitete Organisation werde „durch die Hinweise der Kirche und die Behauptungen und Botschaften von Johannes Paul II. voll unterstützt". (...) Ideologisch lassen sich vielfältige Linksextremismusvarianten unterscheiden. Anti- bzw. nichtkommunistische Parteien wie Polens Landarbeitergewerkschaft Samoobrona und die ethnoregionalistische Sinn Féin in Irland stellen Ausnahmen dar. Ihre sozialistischen Gesellschaftsutopien beruhen auf der Verbindung von solidarischer Gesellschaft und nationaler Identität, was zu ideologischen Überschneidungen mit rechtsextremen Parteien führen kann.[In the Samoobrona program, the main focus was on economic issues. The left orientation of the SRP is reflected in the condemnation of capitalist market economy and the demand for social equality. The relationship to other issues of foreign policy, such as the negative assessment of the NATO intervention in Kosovo, make the SRP a potential associate of the national Catholic groups. (...) Lepper also stresses that he is a devout Catholic and that the party he leads "fully supports the instructions of the Church and the assertions and messages of John Paul II". (...) Ideologically, a variety of left-wing extremist variants can be distinguished. Anti- or non-communist parties such as Poland's farmers' union Samoobrona and the ethno-regionalist Sinn Féin in Ireland are exceptions. Their socialist ideals are based on the combination of a society of solidarity and national identity, which can lead to ideological overlaps with far-right parties.]
Pozycja Samoobrony miała stanowić szeroką formułę lewicowości, obejmującą lewicę katolicką, zjednoczone dążeniem do osiągnięcia fundamentalnych celów.[The Samoobrona position was intended to be a broad formula of leftism, encompassing the Catholic left, united by the pursuit of fundamentalist goals.]
In einem ihrer programmatischen Dokumente bezeichnet sich die Samoobrona selbst als sozial und christlich orientierte, volks-nationale gesellschaftliche Bewegung, was gut das Durcheinander widerspiegelt, das bei dem Versuch entsteht, Parteien zu klassifizieren, die sich populistischer Formen bedienen. Die Samoobrona ist jedoch eher der linken Seite des polnischen politischen Spektrums zuzurechnen. Ihr personalisierter Feind ist gegenwärtig der Präsident der Polnischen Nationalbank, Leszek Balcerowicz, den die Partei als den Hauptverantwortlichen für die Armut eines großen Teils der polnischen Gesellschaft ansieht.[In one of its programmatic documents, Samoobrona describes itself as a socially and Christian-oriented, popular-national social movement, which reflects well the confusion that arises when trying to classify parties that use populist forms. However, Samoobrona is on the left side of the Polish political spectrum. Its personalised enemy is currently the president of the National Bank of Poland, Leszek Balcerowicz, whom the party sees as the main culprit for the poverty of a large part of Polish society.]
Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej pochodzi od Samoobrony Leppera. Założona została 10 stycznia 1992 roku a zarejestrowana 12 czerwca 1992 roku. Swoimi korzeniami sięgała Związku Zawodowego Rolników „Samoobrona", Związku Zawodowego Metalowców, Partii Przymierza „Samoobrona" oraz Partii Zielonych. Przywódcą do czasu samobójczej śmierci w 2011 roku był Andrzej Lepper. Jest to organizacja będąca mieszanką ideologii narodowo-lewicowej, chrześcijańsko-lewicowej, socjaldemokratycznej, chrześcijańsko-socjalistycznej, nacjonalistycznej, narodowo-katolickiej i agrarnej.[Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej is derived from Lepper's Samoobrona. It was founded on 10 January 1992 and registered on 12 June 1992. Its roots were in the Farmers' Trade Union "Samoobrona", the Metalworkers' Trade Union, the Przymierze "Samoobrona" Party and the Green Party. The leader until his suicidal death in 2011 was Andrzej Lepper. It is a party that is a compound of national-left, Christian-left, social-democratic, Christian-socialist, nationalist, National Catholic and agrarian ideologies.]
Osobistym mym marzeniem jest, abyśmy tę naszą wspólną Polskę dobrze posprzątali, uporządkowali jej drogi, uregulowali rzeki, zbudowali zbiorniki wodne, stowane rudery, słowem - poważnie i skutecznie wzięli się za środowisko naturalne i ekologię. Wtedy lżej by nam było wszystkim oddychać. Z tych też powodów nasz ruch Samoobrony bliski jest Zielonym, z którymi chętnie będziemy współpracowali.[It is a personal dream of mine that we clean up this common Poland of ours, tidy up its roads, regulate its rivers, build reservoirs, remove dirt and rubbish dumps, broken fences, potholed pavements and derelict buildings - in short, take a serious and effective approach to the environment and ecology. Then we would all breathe easier. For these reasons, our Samoobrona movement is akin to the Greens, with whom we will gladly cooperate.]
Samoobrona also argues for materialism and consumerism to be replaced by a closer relationship with the natural environment, the preservation of small-scale family farms and a humane treatment of animals. There is frequent reference to 'eco-development' and a fuzzy concept: 'Econology' (Ekonologia), described in the programme as a new way of thinking drawing on theories of social systems, ecology, and social ethics and morality in politics and economics. More concretely, it is against agroindustrial development and intensive farming methods.
W skład komitetu założycielskiego wchodzili przede wszystkim działacze ZZR „Samoobrona" z A. Lepperem na czele, a także członkowie Związku Zawodowego Metalowców oraz grupa aktywistów Polskiej Partii Zielonych, stojących na stanowisku ekologizmu i pacyfizmu. (...) Współpracę z Samoobroną podjęło przede wszystkim krakowskie środowisko Federacji Zielonych, z którym związani byli znani działacze ekologiczni A. Żwawa (redaktor naczelny magazynu „Zielone Brygady") oraz O. Swolkień.[The founding committee consisted mainly of activists from the Self-Defence Trade Union headed by A. Lepper, as well as members of the Metal Workers' Trade Union and a group of activists from the Polish Green Party, standing for environmentalism and pacifism. (...) Cooperation with Samoobrona was undertaken first and foremost by the Kraków environment of the Federation of Greens, with which well-known environmental activists A. Żwawa (editor-in-chief of the magazine Zielone Brygady) and O. Swolkień were associated.]
Samoobrona Leppera była to nazwa ruchu społeczno-politycznego, w którego skład weszli rolnicy, organizacje społeczne i zawodowe skupiające robotników, bezrobotnych, rencistów, środowiska oświaty i kultury, pracowników sfery budżetowej oraz ekologów. (...) Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej pochodzi od Samoobrony Leppera. Założona została 10 stycznia 1992 roku a zarejestrowana 12 czerwca 1992 roku. Swoimi korzeniami sięgała Związku Zawodowego Rolników „Samoobrona", Związku Zawodowego Metalowców , Partii Przymierza „Samoobrona" oraz Partii Zielonych.[Lepper's Samoobrona was the name of a socio-political movement that included farmers, social and professional organisations bringing together workers, the unemployed, pensioners, educational and cultural circles, budget workers and environmentalists. (...) Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej originated from Lepper's Samoobrona. It was founded on 10 January 1992 and registered on 12 June 1992. Its origins were in the 'Samoobrona' farmers' trade union, the 'Samoobrona' metalworkers' trade union, the 'Samoobrona' Alliance Party and the Green Party.]
Neoliberalism was vigorously challenged by the aforementioned rural-populist Self-Defense.
But the effectiveness of the social phraseology of the PiS and the high score registered by the clearly anti-neoliberal Samoobrona, only represent the tip of the iceberg.
Lepper's support emerged at first mainly from farmers, unable to compete with cheap imports of foreign grain. SO began by blockading roads and sabotaging grain imports, and Lepper rapidly realised the political mileage available from anti- neoliberal rhetoric directed against the political elite.
Samoobrona was defined largely by its negative positions: against neoliberalism, against the EU, against ruling elites, against the urban intellectual bias of Polish politics.
The antiglobalization forces exemplified by Andrzej Lepper's Samoobrona (Self-defense) party have also made a strong showing in recent elections.
Taking into account Lepper's anti-market, anti-globalization rhetoric and his positive assessment of the Gierek-era, i.e. the 1970s in Poland, Samoobrona could also be categorized as leftist populism.
Die Samoobrona verfügt nach den letzten Parlamentswahlen über 53 Sejmabgeordnete und zwei Senatoren. Ihr Führer, der 47-jährige Landwirt Andrzej Lepper, lehnt die Globalisierung ab, kritisiert die freie Marktwirtschaft und schlägt protektionistische, sozialistische und nationalistische Töne an. Zu verzeichnen sind auch manche prorussische Tendenzen sowie eine spürbare Nostalgie für die Volksrepublik Polen. Lepper ist ein Gegner der NATO- und EU-Mitgliedschaft Polens.[After the last parliamentary elections, Samoobrona has 53 Sejm deputies and two senators. Its leader, the 47-year-old farmer Andrzej Lepper, rejects globalisation, criticises the free market economy and strikes protectionist, socialist and nationalist tones. There are also some pro-Russian tendencies and a noticeable nostalgia for the People's Republic of Poland. Lepper is an opponent of Poland's NATO and EU membership.]
Even in countries preparing for entry into the EU in 2004 this manifested itself in populist resistance to the EU and globalization. For example in Poland Andrzej Lepper's rural Self Defense movement, which organizes direct action to oppose integration with the EU, won 10.2 percent in the 2001 elections.
Presented below, an in-depth analysis of the discourses surrounding the Sex-Affair or the Jobs-for-Sex-Scandal in the Polish left-wing populist Samoobrona (Self-Defence) party, provides a very good example of the widespread approach to women as standard others of the Polish public sphere.
Indeed, if we exclude Slovenia, the only country in the region that had a relatively successful left-wing populist party was Poland, with Self-Defense (10.8% in 2004, for details, see Krok-Paszkowska 2003).
Do Sejmu weszły również: populistyczno-lewicowa Samoobrona RP – 11,41%, narodowo-katolicka Liga Polskich Rodzin (LPR) – 7,97% oraz Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe (PSL) – 6,96%.[Also entering the Sejm were the populist-leftist Self-Defence of the Republic of Poland with 11.41%, the national-Catholic League of Polish Families (LPR) with 7.97% and the Polish People's Party (PSL) with 6.96%.]
Populist left wing: Self-Defense of the Republic of Poland (Samoobrona RP), agrarian party;
Mit Blick auf Leppers marktwirtschafts- und globalisierungs-kritische Rhetorik und seine positive Bezugnahme auf die Volksrepublik Polen der 70er Jahre bzw. die Gierek-Epoche könnte die Samoobrona durchaus auch in die Rubrik Linkspopulismus eingeordnet werden.[In view of Lepper's rhetoric critical of the market economy and globalisation and his positive reference to the People's Republic of Poland of the 1970s or the Gierek era, Samoobrona could certainly also be classified under the label of left-wing populism.]
Populism #2 is characteristic of LEFTIST populist parties (in Poland: Samoobrona and PSL which are axiologically (#3) either indifferent or diffusely-neutral, respectively).
Besides, taking into consideration the populist dimension, we can identify the Self-Defense (Samoobrona in Polish) as populist-leftist, and both the League of Polish Families (LPR) and PiS as populist-rightist (Hartlinski, 2019, 741).
Sowohl seine Partei als auch ihre Koalitionspartner, die agrarisch-links-populistische Selbstverteidigung (SO) und die national-katholische Liga der Polnischen Familie (LPR) machten vor und nach den Wahlen durch populistische Inszenierungen und nationalistische Töne von sich reden.[Both his party and its coalition partners, the agrarian left-populist Self-Defence (SO) and the national Catholic League of the Polish Family (LPR) made a name for themselves before and after the elections with populist stagings and nationalist tones.]
This coalition was composed of the Law and Justice Party (PiS), the left-populist called Samoobrona and the national Catholic party called League of Polish Families (LPR).
Thus, the party has been labelled as 'left-wing', 'ultra-leftist', 'left-nationalist', 'populist', and 'agrarian' – combining 'socialism, [and] agrarian populism'.
In recent decades, Polish populism has emerged over three different phases. The first phase was the ascent to power of two new parties: the conservative nationalist LPR (Liga Polskich Rodzin/League of Polish Families) and the left nationalist SRP (Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej/Self-Defense of the Republic of Poland), founded respectively in 2001 and 1992.
Seine historische Leistung ist es, Polen in die EU geführt zu haben, sein Scheitern waren Rywin-Gate, ein Bestechungsskandal gegenüber der Gazeta Wyborcza, und seine Kandidatur 2007 für die linksnationalistische Samoobrona (Selbstverteidigung).[His historic achievement is to have led Poland into the EU, his failures were Rywin-Gate, a bribery scandal against Gazeta Wyborcza, and his candidacy in 2007 for the left nationalist Samoobrona (Self-Defence).]
One of ECAG's founders, Mateusz Piskorski, is a former MP of the left-wing, nationalist, and religious conservative party Self-Defence of the Republic of Poland (in Polish: Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej).
W 2001 r. taktykę backlashu stosowały partie prawicowe − PiS i LPR oraz agrarno‑antysystemowa czy też narodowo‑lewicowa Samoobrona RP.[In 2001, backlash tactics were used by right-wing parties - PiS and LPR and the agrarian-antisystem or national-left Self-Defence of Poland.]
Do Sejmu weszły również: populistyczno-lewicowa Samoobrona RP – 11,41%, narodowo-katolicka Liga Polskich Rodzin (LPR) – 7,97% oraz Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe (PSL) – 6,96%.[Also entering the Sejm were the populist-leftist Self-Defence of the Republic of Poland with 11.41%, the national-Catholic League of Polish Families (LPR) with 7.97% and the Polish People's Party (PSL) with 6.96%.]
It is not accidental that in recent years a new leftist-populist group of parties has appeared (Smer, Self-Defence, the Communist Party of Slovakia, Lithuanian Labour) in a process that parallels the social democratization of the major leftist parties.
W 2001 r. taktykę backlashu stosowały partie prawicowe − PiS i LPR oraz agrarno‑antysystemowa czy też narodowo‑lewicowa Samoobrona RP.[In 2001, backlash tactics were used by right-wing parties - PiS and LPR and the agrarian-antisystem or national-left Self-Defence of Poland.]
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was invoked but never defined (see the help page).Także w przyjętym w 2003 roku programie partii odnajdujemy bezpośrednie nawiązanie: „Samoobrona Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej kieruje się nauką społeczną Kościoła i w pełni podziela zawarte w encyklikach wskazania największego autorytetu moralnego naszych czasów, za jaki uznajemy Papieża Jana Pawła II".[Also in the party's programme, adopted in 2003, we find a direct reference: „The Self-Defence of the Republic of Poland is guided by the social teachings of the Church and fully shares the indications contained in the encyclicals of the greatest moral authority of our time, Pope John Paul II”.]
Partią, która w trakcie kampanii wyborczych postawiła na piosenkę, jest Samoobrona. W przygotowanym w r. 2001 na potrzeby tej partii utworze „Ten kraj jest nasz i wasz" postawiono, podobnie jak w 1995 roku na potrzeby kampanii Kwaśniewskiego, na muzykę disco-polo.[A party that relied on song during its election campaigns is Self-Defence. The song "This country is ours and yours", prepared for the party in 2001, relied on disco-polo music.]
Die Samoobrona verfügt nach den letzten Parlamentswahlen über 53 Sejmabgeordnete und zwei Senatoren. 13 Ihr Führer, der 47-jährige Landwirt Andrzej Lepper, lehnt die Globalisierung ab, kritisiert die freie Marktwirtschaft und schlägt protektionistische, sozialistische und nationalistische Töne an. Zu verzeichnen sind auch manche prorussische Tendenzen sowie eine spürbare Nostalgie für die Volksrepublik Polen. Lepper ist ein Gegner der NATO- und EU-Mitgliedschaft Polens.[After the last parliamentary elections, Samoobrona has 53 Sejm deputies and two senators. Its leader, the 47-year-old farmer Andrzej Lepper, rejects globalisation, criticises the free market economy and strikes protectionist, socialist and nationalist tones. There are also some pro-Russian tendencies and a noticeable nostalgia for the People's Republic of Poland. Lepper is an opponent of Poland's NATO and EU membership.]
was invoked but never defined (see the help page).However, an analysis of the evolution of the last years makes it apparent that the party identity is mainly based on a radical conception of economic class and is constituted by those heavily disadvantaged by the transition. The Samoobrona can therefore be classified as an extreme-left party.
Generalnie na skali lewica–prawica Samoobrona RP umieszczana jest po lewej stronie.[Generally, on the left-right scale, the Self-Defence of the Republic of Poland is placed on the left.]
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