Statistician and econometrician
Siddhartha Chib is an econometrician and statistician, the Harry C. Hartkopf Professor of Econometrics and Statistics at Washington University in St. Louis . His work is primarily in Bayesian statistics , econometrics, and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods .
Key papers include Albert and Chib (1993)[ 1] which introduced an approach for binary and categorical response models based on latent variables that simplifies the Bayesian analysis of categorical response models; Chib and Greenberg (1995)[ 2] which provided a derivation of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm from first principles, guidance on implementation and extensions to multiple-block versions; Chib (1995)[ 3] where a new method for calculating the marginal likelihood from the Gibbs output is developed; Chib and Jeliazkov (2001)[ 4] where the method of Chib (1995) is extended to output of Metropolis-Hastings chains; Basu and Chib (2003)[ 5] for a method for finding marginal likelihoods in Dirichlet process mixture models; Carlin and Chib (1995)[ 6] which developed a model-space jump method for Bayesian model choice via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods; Chib (1998)[ 7] which introduced a multiple-change point model that is estimated by the methods of Albert and Chib (1993)[ 8] and Chib (1996)[ 9] for hidden Markov processes; Kim, Shephard and Chib (1998)[ 10] which introduced an efficient inference approach for univariate and multivariate stochastic volatility models;[ 11] [ 12] and Chib and Greenberg (1998)[ 13] which developed the Bayesian analysis of the multivariate probit model .
He has also developed original methods for Bayesian inference in Tobit censored responses,[ 14] discretely observed diffusions,[ 15] univariate and multivariate ARMA processes,[ 16] [ 17] multivariate count responses,[ 18] causal inference,[ 19] [ 20] hierarchical models of longitudinal data,[ 21] nonparametric regression,[ 22] [ 23] and unconditional and conditional moment models.[ 24] [ 25]
^ Albert, Jim; Chib, Siddhartha (1993). "Bayesian Analysis of Binary and Polychotomous Response Data" . Journal of the American Statistical Association . 88 (422): 669– 679. doi :10.1080/01621459.1993.10476321 . JSTOR 2290350 .
^ Chib, Siddhartha; Greenberg, Edward (1995). "Understanding the Metropolis Hastings Algorithm" (PDF) . American Statistician . 49 (4): 327– 335. doi :10.1080/00031305.1995.10476177 . Archived (PDF) from the original on 2019-11-13. Retrieved 2020-04-24 .
^ Chib, Siddhartha (1995). "Marginal Likelihood from the Gibbs Output" (PDF) . Journal of the American Statistical Association . 90 (432): 1313– 1321. doi :10.1080/01621459.1995.10476635 . Archived (PDF) from the original on 2019-07-15. Retrieved 2020-04-30 .
^ Chib, Siddhartha; Jeliazkov, Ivan (2001). "Marginal Likelihood from the Metropolis-Hastings Output" (PDF) . Journal of the American Statistical Association . 96 (1): 270– 281. CiteSeerX . doi :10.1198/016214501750332848 . S2CID 44046690 . Archived (PDF) from the original on 2019-07-15. Retrieved 2020-04-30 .
^ Basu, Sanjib; Chib, Siddhartha (2003). "Marginal Likelihood and Bayes Factors for Dirichlet Process Mixture Models" . Journal of the American Statistical Association . 98 (461): 224– 235. CiteSeerX . doi :10.1198/01621450338861947 . JSTOR 30045209 . S2CID 17496626 .
^ Carlin, Bradley; Chib, Siddhartha (1995). "Bayesian Model Choice via Markov Chain Monte Carlo" (PDF) . Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B . 57 : 473– 484. doi :10.1111/j.2517-6161.1995.tb02042.x .
^ Chib, Siddhartha (1998). "Estimation and comparison of multiple change-point models" (PDF) . Journal of Econometrics . 86 (2): 221– 241. doi :10.1016/S0304-4076(97)00115-2 .
^ Albert, Jim; Chib, Siddhartha (1993). "Bayes Inference via Gibbs Sampling of Autoregressive Time Series Subject to Markov Mean and Variance Shifts" . Journal of Business and Economic Statistics . 11 (1): 1– 15. doi :10.2307/1391303 . JSTOR 1391303 .
^ Chib, Siddhartha (1996). "Calculating Posterior Distributions and Modal Estimates in Markov Mixture Models" (PDF) . Journal of Econometrics . 75 : 79– 97. CiteSeerX . doi :10.1016/0304-4076(95)01770-4 .
^ Kim, Sangjoon; Shephard, Neil; Chib, Siddhartha (1998). "Stochastic Volatility: Likelihood Inference and Comparison with ARCH Models" (PDF) . Review of Economic Studies . 65 (3): 361– 393. doi :10.1111/1467-937X.00050 . S2CID 18381818 . Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-08-11. Retrieved 2020-09-29 .
^ Chib, Siddhartha; Nardari, Federico (2006). "Analysis of high dimensional multivariate stochastic volatility models" . Journal of Econometrics . 134 (2): 341– 371. doi :10.1016/j.jeconom.2005.06.026 .
^ Omori, Yasuhiro; Chib, Siddhartha; Shephard, Neil; Nakajima, Jouchi (2007). "Stochastic volatility with leverage: Fast and efficient likelihood inference" . Journal of Econometrics . 140 (2): 425– 449. doi :10.1016/j.jeconom.2006.07.008 .
^ Chib, Siddhartha; Greenberg, Edward (1998). "Analysis of multivariate probit models" . Biometrika . 85 (2): 347– 361. CiteSeerX . doi :10.1093/biomet/85.2.347 . Archived from the original on 2019-03-21. Retrieved 2020-04-24 – via Oxford Academic.
^ Chib, Siddhartha (1992). "Bayes inference in the Tobit censored regression model" . Journal of Econometrics . 51 (1– 2): 79– 99. doi :10.1016/0304-4076(92)90030-U .
^ Eleriain, Ola; Chib, Siddhartha; Shephard, Neil (2001). "Likelihood Inference for Discretely Observed Nonlinear Diffusions" . Econometrica . 69 (4): 959– 993. doi :10.1111/1468-0262.00226 . Archived from the original on 2020-10-26. Retrieved 2020-08-28 .
^ Chib, Siddhartha; Greenberg, Edward (1994). "Bayes inference in regression models with ARMA (p, q) errors" . Journal of Econometrics . 64 (1– 2): 183– 206. doi :10.1016/0304-4076(94)90063-9 . Archived from the original on 2020-07-24. Retrieved 2020-08-22 .
^ Chib, Siddhartha; Greenberg, Edward (1995). "Hierarchical analysis of SUR models with extensions to correlated serial errors and time-varying parameter models" . Journal of Econometrics . 68 (2): 339– 360. doi :10.1016/0304-4076(94)01653-H .
^ Chib, Siddhartha; Winkelmann, Rainer (2001). "Markov Chain Monte Carlo Analysis of Correlated Count Data" (PDF) . Journal of Business and Economic Statistics . 19 (4): 428– 435. doi :10.1198/07350010152596673 .
^ Chib, Siddhartha (2007). "Analysis of treatment response data without the joint distribution of potential outcomes" . Journal of Econometrics . 140 (2): 401– 412. doi :10.1016/j.jeconom.2006.07.009 .
^ Chib, Siddhartha; Greenberg, Edward; Simoni, Anna (2022). "Nonparametric Bayes Analysis of the Sharp and Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs" (PDF) . Econometric Theory . 39 (3): 481– 533. doi :10.1017/S0266466622000019 . S2CID 28242828 .
^ Chib, Siddhartha; Carlin, Bradley (1998). "On MCMC sampling in hierarchical longitudinal models" . Statistics and Computing . 9 : 17– 26. doi :10.1023/A:1008853808677 . S2CID 15267509 .
^ Chib, Siddhartha; Jeliazkov, Ivan (2006). "Inference in Semiparametric Dynamic Models for Binary Longitudinal Data" . Journal of the American Statistical Association . 101 (2): 685– 700. doi :10.1198/016214505000000871 . JSTOR 27590727 . S2CID 10169747 .
^ Chib, Siddhartha; Greenberg, Edward (2010). "Additive cubic spline regression with Dirichlet process mixture errors" . Journal of Econometrics . 156 (2): 322– 336. doi :10.1016/j.jeconom.2009.11.002 .
^ Chib, Siddhartha; Shin, Minchul; Simoni, Anna (2018). "Bayesian Analysis and Comparison of Moment Condition Models" (PDF) . Journal of the American Statistical Association . 113 (4): 1656– 1668. arXiv :1606.02931 . doi :10.1080/01621459.2017.1358172 . S2CID 56211599 .
^ Chib, Siddhartha; Shin, Minchul; Simoni, Anna (2022). "Bayesian Estimation and Comparison of Conditional Moment Models" (PDF) . Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology) . 84 (3): 740– 764. arXiv :2110.13531 . doi :10.1111/rssb.12484 . S2CID 209455901 .