The Taifals or Tayfals (Latin: Taifali, Taifalae or Theifali; French: Taïfales) were a people of Germanic or Sarmatian origin,[1] first documented north of the lower Danube in the mid third century AD. They experienced an unsettled and fragmented history, for the most part in association with various Gothic peoples, and alternately fighting against or for the Romans. In the late fourth century some Taifali were settled within the Roman Empire, notably in western Gaul in the modern province of Poitou. They subsequently supplied mounted units to the Roman army and continued to be a significant source of cavalry for early Merovingian armies. By the sixth century their region of western Gaul had acquired a distinct identity as Thifalia.
Taifali. Germanic or Sarmatian group, renowned as light cavalry...