Talisman of Charlemagne, Musée du Palais du Tau, Rheims, with cross-shaped fragments of wood clearly visible under the central gemstone.The reverse side of the talisman.
The Talisman of Charlemagne is a 9th-century Carolingianreliquaryencolpion that may once have belonged to Charlemagne and is purported to contain a fragment of the True Cross. It is the only surviving piece of goldwork which can be connected with Charlemagne himself with some degree of probability, but the connection has been seriously questioned.[1] The talisman is now kept in Rheims in the Palace of Tau (inv.no. G 7).
^Thomas Labusiak: "»Er schenkte der Kirche viele heilige Gefäße aus Gold und Silber.« Goldschmiedekunst in der Zeit Karls des Großen." in Peter van den Brink, Sarvenaz Ayooghi (ed.): Karl der Große – Charlemagne. Karls Kunst. Dresden 2014, p. 92.